Thursday 12 November 2009

Eye witness accounts from Loch Ness

In memory of Baggins cat sadly passed away yesterday, some eye witness accounts from Loch Ness. Baggins spent a year with me on the Black Isle near Inverness, a monster hunting cat, though he only caught rats and mice!.

Ian Cameron, a retired superintendent of the Northern Police Force, lives in Inverness, Scotland.

Well, we're talking about an incident that happened approximately 32 years ago, almost to the very day—mid-summer, June 1965. I, along with a friend, was on the south shore of Loch Ness, fishing for brown trout, looking almost directly into Urquhart Bay, when I saw something break the surface of the water. I glanced there, and I saw it, and then it wasn't there, it had disappeared.

But while watching, keeping an eye, and fishing gently, I saw an object surface. It was a large, black object—a whale-like object, going from infinity up, and came round onto a block end—and it submerged, to reappear a matter of seconds later. But on this occasion, the block end, which had been on my right, was now on my left, so I realized immediately that while in the process of surfacing, as it may, it had rotated. And with the predominant wind, the south-west wind, it appeared to be, I would say, at that stage drifting easily across.

So I called to my friend Willie Frazer, who incidentally had a sighting of an object on the Loch almost a year ago to the very day. I called him, and he come up and joined me. We realized that it was drifting towards us, and, in fact, it came to within I would say about 250, 300 yards.

In no way am I even attempting to convert anybody to the religion of the object of Loch Ness. I mean, they can believe it, but it doesn't upset me if they don't believe it. Because I would question very much if I hadn't the extraordinary experience of seeing this object. If I hadn't seen it I would have without question given a lot of skepticism to what it was. But I saw it, and nothing can take that away.”

Val Moffat has lived on the shores of Loch Ness for 11 years with her husband Ron.

“Well, the day that I saw the monster, it was the end of September 1990, and I was driving back from Inverness. I came up the hill where we came in sight of the bay, glanced out across it, and saw this large lump, is the best way to describe it. The nearest I can tell you is it looked like a boat that had turned upside down. Pretty much like that one out there, actually, same sort of size. If you took that boat and put it in the entrance to the bay, which is where I saw the monster, that's the size of it. About 30 feet in length, and nearly 10 feet in height from the water to the top of the back.

It was a bright, sunny day, the water was bright blue, and it really showed up against it. It was a mixture of browns, greens, sludgy sort of colors. I looked at it on and off for a few seconds, because I was driving. Must have seen it three or four times, and the last time I looked, it was gone!”

Ronald Mackintosh was born and raised in the village of Drumnadrochit on the shores of Loch Ness.

Well, I've lived here all my life, so that's coming up for 59 years, I'm afraid, and I've fished this Loch here nearly all my life, for salmon. I've caught a few, not as many as I would have liked to have caught, and I basically know the place, just back to front really.

Well, I was about 14 years old, and we had a local farm down here at Drumnadrochit. My late brother and late mother were in the car, and we were driving to Inverness for messages on a Saturday. Beautiful day, flat-calm surface. About eight miles from here down towards Inverness, opposite Aldourie Castle, I happened just to look to the Loch and shout "Stop the car!" My brother stopped the car, and we all saw this huge commotion right in the center of the Loch.

It was gray-brown, massive. Now, I always try to relate it to the size of a bus, a big bus. It flipped over, just flipped right over like that, crashed down. You could see it, and the waves from that point were about three feet high and ebbed to each side of the Loch.

That's what I actually saw with my own eyes and my late mother saw and my late brother saw. We did tell one or two people, but we didn't tell too many. I myself obviously think I saw the monster, but I certainly saw that. Nobody to this day has been able to tell me exactly what I saw or what we saw. Therefore I must say that it was the monster, really. I mean, I actually saw it. It was an object, it was huge. What was it? It must have been the monster.”

source and for more including videos of the accounts:


  1. Great blog , some sightings new to me but the cameron sighting is an all time classic I saw him on tv once he seemed like a straight shooting bloke I think he was a retired policeman.I have spent the last 15 years holidaying at Loch Ness and the place is just amazing nowhere like it, not seen anything yet though!:)

  2. I made last comment not anonymous!

  3. Hello Simon. Thank you for your comments. Don't despair of seeing anything at Loch Ness, in over 30 years I have only seen something once and then not sure what it was. They say there are over 10000 reported sightings of "nessie" of which 3000 are worth investigating. Of those I suspect only about 10 % will be something that cannot be anything else but an unknown phenomena and not explained away. It is incredible odds then to see anything. Good luck and don't forget to post if you see anything.....might make it into my book which is slow progress at the moment. :-)
