Thursday 24 December 2009

cryptozoology at Christmas

First of all I want to wish you all a very merry christmas and all the the very best you wish for yourselves for 2010. Thank you to those who follow and read the blog. You are all stars.
I am back from some hospital tests and stuff and things well -the news isn't too good but it means I will be around to write the blog for a while yet as I won't be able to go to work or even get out of the house much for a while. Also means I will be able to get on with the book after the holidays and submit it for publication early 2010.
All that remains is for us to sing a cryptozoological carol and enjoy a cryptozoological christmas.

To be sung to the tune of the 12 days of christmas:
On the first day of christmas I received in the post an owlman in a large tree
On the second day of christmas I received in the post two thunderbirds
On the third day of christmas I received in the post three almas
On the fourth day of christmas I received in the post four ozark howlers
On the fifth day of christmas I received in the post five gold ogopogos
On the sixth day of christmas I received in the post six bunyips laying
On the seventh day of christmas I received in the post seven Nessies swimming
On the eigth day of christmas I received in the post eight chupacabras sucking
On the ninth day of christmas I received in the post nine yetis dancing
On the tenth day of christmas I received in the post ten spring heeled jacks leaping
On the eleventh day of christmas I received in the post eleven black dogs howling
On the twelvth day of christmas I received in the post twelve bigfoots drumming

And an owlman in a large treeeeeee......Merry Christmas everyone. xx*hug*

P.S. forgot to say will be back on the 27th Dec.