Sunday, 24 November 2024

Kalanoro, Spirit or Real?


The Kalanoro 

Kalanoro is a humanoid cryptid, which is believed to live  on the island of Madagascar. Some say they are spirits of the forests. It is said to have lived on the island for 2000 years before the first human settlers.

They  are described as small and hairy  with fangs.Their legs are said to be backwards, with backwards facing feet. Their eyes glow red. Thy have long hair and fingernails looking unkempt. They are said  eat raw meat, and make a whining sound as if conversing.

Some tales show them to be malevolent and stealing children or robbing people. Others show them as loyal to humans they befriend.

In a 1964 , the author Bacil Kirtley wrote that the Kalanoro were dwarfish creatures. He compared them to  elves and trolls .He further said that they stole food, replaced human children with their own children .However many  of  the Madagascar people refute  that description.

Professor Joe Hobbs studied   the local tribes in the Ankarana Special Reserve, Madagascar. On May 15, 2000 Hobbs wrote that the  people of the village of Ambalakedi consider Andoboara Cave “sacred because on three separate occasions, most recently just two years ago, grief-stricken parents whose children had wandered into the forest had recovered them alive here” after food was left out for the Kalanoro in exchange for their children’s return.


So spirits or small hominids? The people of Ambalakedi believe they are real and the finders of lost children. It could be the children sought shelter in the caves and they were found when they came for the food left . One can only speculate without definite evidence. Lots of people in Europe believe in the little people so the tribes people are not alone in that belief.



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