Friday 8 October 2010

1960 Bigfoot sighting

In search of Sasquatch
Published: October 07, 2010 6:00 PM
John Bringsli always maintained what stopped him in his tracks near the Six Mile Lakes that day in 1960 was “definitely not a bear.” Whatever it was, it made headlines 50 years ago this week in West Kootenay’s first — and still best documented — Sasquatch sighting. Bringsli, a bartender at various Nelson hotels, staked his 35 years experience as a woodsman on the tale. It happened around 8 a.m. during a solo huckleberry picking expedition at the head of Lemon Creek.“I had just stopped my 1931 coupe on a deserted logging road... and walked about 100 yards into the bush,” he recalled at the time. “I had just started to pick berries and was moving slowly through the bush. I had only been there about 15 minutes.“For no particular reason, I glanced up and that’s when I saw this great beast. It was standing about 50 feet away on a slight rise in the ground, staring at me.”The sight of the creature “paralyzed” him. He described it as seven to nine feet tall, with long legs and short, powerful arms. Its body was covered with hair.“The first thing I thought was... what a strange looking bear. It had very wide shoulders and a flat face with ears flat against the side of its head. It looked more like a big hairy ape... [M]ost astonishing was that it had hands, not claws.”

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