Tuesday 24 April 2012

new wildcats discovered

Camera traps capture new Scottish wildcat sites in the Cairngorms
By David Miller
BBC Scotland environment correspondent
Previously unknown populations of Scottish wildcats are living in the Cairngorms National Park, conservationists have discovered.The new pockets of habitation have been identified by camera traps which captured images of the animals across the park and beyond.The Cairngorms Wildcat Project has also helped raise awareness about the cats.However, scientists warn the species remains under threat because of cross-breeding with domestic and feral cats.
The Scottish wildcat, or Highland Tiger as it is sometimes known, is larger and much fiercer than its domestic cousin.It is estimated there are only about 400 left in the wild and for the past three years researchers have been using camera traps to gain an insight into the lives of the animals.
See pics read more here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-17820001

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