Thursday 6 June 2013

Yet more new discoveries

Researchers Find New Fish 1,000 Feet Below Caribbean
June 5, 2013
Brett Smith for – Your Universe Online
A pair of Taiwanese researchers say they have discovered a tiny new fish that initially turned up as bycatch, accidentally snared during specimen collection at a depth of around 515 to 547 feet, according to a new report in the open access journal Zookeys.The tiny new species of blenny fish measured less than one inch in length and was discovered off Curaçao in the southern Carribean during the course of the Smithsonian Institution’s Deep Reef Observation Project (DROP). The research team dubbed the new species Haptoclinus dropi after the project’s abbreviation and it is one of several new ray-finned fish species coming out of the project.The DROP team used a manned submersible Curasub to catch specimens. Typically used as tourist attraction because of its large window and ability to travel at much greater depths than human divers can reach, scientists have also begun to embrace the Curasub for marine research.
The more new discoveries are made the more I think a cryptid may one day be discovered.

Tiny Chinese Archicebus fossil is oldest primate yet found
By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News
A mouse-sized fossil from China has provided remarkable new insights into the origin of primates.At 55 million years old, it represents the earliest known member of this broad group of animals that includes humans. Scientists have called the diminutive creature Archicebus, which roughly translates as "ancient monkey". They tell Nature magazine that its skeleton helps explain the branching that occurred at the very base of the primate evolutionary tree.

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