Friday 26 March 2010
sometimes I despair
There has apparently been a new crypto blog set up. Great I thought and went to investigate. I love reading other people's stuff and seeing their ideas and how they see things. Instead I find a blog set up by someone calling them selves" highland tiger".( I am sorry but if that is meant to disguise who you are it failed miserable, most people know who you are) . The blog was set up with the sole intent of name calling and false accusations against other cryptozoologists, especially it seems the CFZ organisation. Firstly it is cowardly to try and disguise yourself and then throw insults and is really immature and purile. (But then I would have expected no less of this person so should not be surprised). It also smacks of sour grapes... what happened did CFZ refuse to publish your stuff or not acknowledge your contributions? Again immature behaviour of the spitting your dummy out variety. And then we get to the nub of things as far as I am concerned. I don't care particularly what you write Mr HT , I am not that interested with your petty squabbles but what I do object to is that it brings the whole cryptozoological community down and makes it look totally unprofessional for you to behave in this way. Having read your rants I would like to point out that I do have academic qualifications, as does my daughter and we have both contributed to CFZ blogs. What are your academic qualifications I wonder that you can cast aspirations at me? I have 7 lots of letters after my name and they don't spell B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T. I just despair that people like you turn the cryptozoological community into a bear pit and it is people like you that made me decide to keep a low profile all these years. Grow up and behave like an adult. admit who you are , be open about any accusations you have and show us the proof. Until then all you do is bring us all into disrepute and sicken off and scare away those who have a genuine interest . I am disgusted and appalled at someone who claims to be genuine seeker for the answers but only seeks to mar the reputation of others.
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Good post...let them have it!
Will they ever grow up?
Dear Tabitca, I'm glad you have read my blog, but I'm surprised that if you were so against me that you didn't leave a comment.
As for "knowing" who I am, I very much doubt it, although you are free to guess. Unlike the CFZ website I have no intention of censoring comments.
As to my claims about the CFZ, I have challenged them to deny any of them. They have yet to do so.
I know these people very well, and my "beef" with them has nothing to do with them not publishing ,my work. I have had research published all round the world in books, magazines and newspapers, and I have appeared on TV and Radio speaking on cryptozoological subejcts.
I will stand by all of my comments on my blog and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
All comments are welcome.
Ps. don't despair, there is a light at the end of the tunnel
As a courtesey, I thought I'd inform you of this post on my blog
Thank you Norm. Probably not TG.They perhaps hope to avoid being sued for libel by remaining anonymous.
I shall the leave comments by highland Tiger for all to see. i will remind them that firstly people who made a complaint over Frank Searle's second book being defamatory should remember at least he had the courage to sign his name.
I dislike cowards but being anonymous does not stop you being sued for libel. I have already contacted a friend who is a judge and his advice says that the provider you post for can be made to give your names with a court order which is easily obtained under current libel laws. I have passed this information onto CFZ should they need it.
As for CFZ not answering your comments, Good for them for raising above it. You obviously want some sort of slanging match. Well trying calling me a few things and I will see you in court, instead of picking on someone with mental health problems.
A PS you still haven't told us what your academic qualifications are that you can call others out about theirs. You say CFZ haven't replied to your accusations, well you haven't answered my question.
Dear Tabitca,
I'd be interested to know which piece of my posts you consider libelous. I am quite an intelligent fellow and I will only post information that I can corroborate with proof.
As I have said on my post, I am not totally anonymous. There are several world famous cryptozoologists who know my identity, (where do you think I get my information from).
Now threats from yourself about suing me, are very strange. I have never said a bad word about you or any other member of your family. Why would I? As far as I can see, you are just some body who posts Crypto related stories online. You have no financial stake in the CFZ nor do you solicite donations to your site. Therefore you are of little interest to me.
And don't try to make Jon seem a poor downtrodden victim just because he suffers from Bi-polar. That is an insult to every other sufferer of Bi-polar who carry on their day to day lives without ever drawing notice to themselves.
I'm sure Jon can stand up for himself without your help.
Finally, you have this obsession with academic qualifications. Why?
Most of the directorate of the CFZ do not have any qualifications of note.
Seeing as NO-ONE has a Cryptozoological qualification, then questions about them are redundant in this topic, I only have only one interest in academic qualifications, and that is when someone indicates they have them, when they don't. (I am not talking about you, but a senior member of the CFZ).
Chill out Tabitca. I have no wish to upset you. But I stand by my claims and challenge the CFZ to deny any of them. Their silence in this is intriguing.
Actually if you read the CFZ website properly Mr Freeman does not claim to have a degree only studied at university , that is not the same thing at all, but you would know that if you had studied at university yourself. Many people leave before they finish their studies for many reasons and get awarded certificates or diplomas for the work they have completed. Mr Freeman , I can confirm, did attend university in Leeds.It seems to me you are the one obsessed with other people's qualifications, and you still refuse to divulge your own. If it is not important as you claim then why are you going on about CFZ's qualifications? I think you need to look at yourself carefully here and ask yourself if you need to see a counsellor. I can provide you with the names of some very good ones.
Dear Tabitca, unfortunately it is only recently that Richard Freeman's bio has been changed on the CFZ site. And only after I contacted Jon about it.
You have to ask just how long they would they have left this "untruth" on their site if I hadn't spotted it.
I will add to the post about our correspondance the proof of my claim, where you can decide for yourself. You may wish to alter your views of the CFZ then. I'd be interested to hear your views on this.
my reply is on your page and goes as follows:Actually it only said after graduation not that he had a degree, you still graduate even if you only get a certificate or a diploma. I think you are just nit picking, as at no point does it say he has a degree.
I suggest you apologise.And once again I repeat, had you been to university you would know this and not have misinterpreted it.
LOL . I think it is you that is "nit-picking" Tabitca, but you are entitled to your views.
If anyone reads about someone graduating from University they would assume they had a degree of some sort.
However even ignoring that point, the first bio claimed he had "graduated", he didn't, he just left, he recieved no certificate, which is why it was corrected in the new profile.
Anyone can say they "studied" at University, but only a cerificate can prove they learnt anything.
The inference was there, otherwise there was no need to make any corrections.
But I thank you for your comments.
I am sorry I couldn't reply to you before I have had computer problems and I hate using my mobile to post as I can't see the keys properly(old age setting in).
Actually FYI getting a degree is called "Congregation" Graduation , if you bother to look it up, means getting almost any qualification,hence you can graduation from school or college and get a diploma in hairdressing or something. you are still a graduate of that institution. My hairdresser has lots of such certificates saying graduate of this or that and is a very good hairdresser.
Should Mr Freeman chose to, he may have already, he can claim his certificates from the university , after the usual checks and payment of a fee.He is still entitled to them for each year he passed. But perhaps he feels he has nothing to prove and why should he? And I repeat at no point in the bios did he say he had a degree. That is your interpretation but not the interpretation of anyone who has any knowledge of a university education. I await with interest to see the "proof" of your other accusations as I have seen none so far.
Dear Tabitca,
I can certainly sympathise with your PC problems. I too have been having isp troubles, which have only been solved today by joining a new provider. Having to rely on mobile internet dongles is a nightmare.
But I digress. I think we will have to agree to disagree regarding the motives of Mr Freeman and his "qualifications".
You continue to state that anyone who has been to university would be able to ascertain what qualifications Mr Freeman has or doesn't have. That may well be true. BUT, the vast majority of the world have NOT had the pleasure of a university education, and as such would certainly be confused with the original wording. It is those people I am trying to get clarity for.
The fact that the CFZ have listened to my complaint and re written his bio on the CFZ site and wikipedia, means that any ambiguity and possible misleading of the public has been removed.
Therefore my original aim has succeeded, and transparancy has been achieved.
As I have said before, my only wish is to prevent the public from being misled, and that has been done in this case.
With regards to my other claims. These will be covered in future blog posts over the next few months. But I intend to cover plenty of other cryptozoological topics other than just the CFZ. Some of which may just interest you.
I have no interest in "flaming" an organisation just for the sake of it. Only when I feel that the public are being misled.
Even you cannot complain about that.
best wishes
If you have no wish to flame an organisation for the sake of it, then I presume you will also be scrutinising the finances and qualifications of other organisations? I am sure Loren Coleman, for example, would be more than happy to show you his accounts as I know he, like Jon Downes, , has propped up his enterprise with his own money.
My computer problems were nothing to do with my ISP but to firefox. The updates seem have caused problems so I will have to use Opera until it is sorted. I have a qwerty keyboard on my phone and can post direct to the web but the I need a magnifying glass to read it lol. It didn't come equipped with that.
I am glad you appear to have calmed down and I will look forward to your crypto posts. The aim of cryptozoology should be to investigate and educate not infighting and other unprofessional behaviour, however amusing it may be for those watching from the side lines. I trust we will see a more professional approach to cryptozoology from you in future and less mud slinging
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