Friday 25 February 2011

Another Bigfoot search

Bigfoot Search Is On In Wilkes County
 Matt McKinney    Created:  2/24/2011
Wilkes County, NC -- There is a plan to find Bigfoot in Wilkes County.
Rick Lunsford of Cricket, North Carolina said he first set eyes on the creature 32 years ago."I seen it's eyes first. Then I seen it's oval shaped head. Then I seen the hair hanging off of him about 4 or 5 inches. I seen his left arm bowed out beside of him. I could see every finger and thumb," said Lunsford. "I never did see it no more and I never did go back looking for it."Lunsford decided now was the time to continue the search. He is organizing a hunt in the same woods that he claims he first saw Bigfoot. He hopes others will help him find his proof."I really don't want to kill it because it had a chance to take me out but it didn't. it didn't bother me."Lunsford's hunt is planned for March 5th. The hunters are meeting in the Miller's Creek Food Lion Parking lot at noon on Highway 16. Lunsford said they will caravan to the search site from there

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