Thursday 24 February 2011

new dinosaur species find and bigfoot hairs collected

New dinosaur species called Thunder-thighs discovered in Utah
by Mike Swain, Daily Mirror 23/02/2011
A NEW dinosaur has been discovered by British and US scientists – who have dubbed it Thunder-thighs after its huge legs.Brontomerus mcintoshi may have used them to kick love rivals or ­predators in Utah, 110 million years ago. Dr Mike Taylor, of University College London, said: “It’s an exciting find.”
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Bigfoot Report: Strange Hairs Collected
Submitted by Javier Ortega on February 22, 2011
Crescent City, CA. A resident of this remote part of California claims that a Bigfoot trampled over his fence, ripped open a peacock pen and took some of his birds. Why a Bigfoot you say? Kirk Stewart found several long hairs clinging on to the fence, where the supposed creature trampled it down. Oh, and not to mention the way the pen was opened up:
I was thinking it was a bear, up until I had seen how it opened the pen,” said Stewart.As he assessed the damage, Stewart said he happened upon a clump of about 16 hairs attached to one of the barbs on his fence. They were about 7 inches long with a fine texture and a slight curl.“The hairs are the smoking gun,” he said.
The hair samples were given to North America Bigfoot Search, or NABS. Upon visual inspection, the article states that NABS found the hairs to be of a primate. Further testing will be done in order to corroborate this.Excited? I’ll be posting the results as soon as I find any updates on this.

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