Tuesday 2 August 2011

Nessie hunter in the news

Nessie-hunter's camera is always at the ready
Helen Paterson
HE left his girlfriend, quit his job and sold his house in the south of England to move to Loch Ness in search of Nessie – the other woman in his life.But 20 years on and Nessie hunter Steve Feltham says he has no regrets about his decision, which has seen him settle in a permanent home on Dores beach."None at all," he said. "In fact, I could have done with doing it three years earlier."It was a seven-year-old Steve who first fell in love with Loch Ness after coming across an expedition of monster hunters while on a family holiday."That was me, hooked," he said.His family returned for numerous holidays during Mr Feltham’s childhood."They sort of knew Loch Ness was the perfect baby-sitter. I’d be in a tent beside Loch Ness and they could go into Inverness to do some shopping, when they got back three hours later I’d still be there, staring at the water, not having moved."I just had a huge thirst for knowledge about Loch Ness."

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