Sunday 7 August 2011

orange goo invades village

Mysterious Orange Goo Baffles Remote Alaska Village
Published August 06, 2011 | Associated Press
ANCHORAGE, Alaska –  Leona Baldwin's husband saw it first, and she got on the marine radio to alert others in the remote Alaska village of Kivalina that a strange orange goo was sitting on top of the town's harbor.The news attracted all the townspeople, anxious to get a gander of the phenomenon that covered much of the harbor and then began washing ashore Wednesday.The next day it rained, and residents found the orange matter floating on top of the rain buckets they use to collect drinking water. It was also found on one roof, leading them to believe whatever it was, it was airborne, too.By Friday, the orange substance in the lagoon had dissipated or washed out to sea, and what was left on ground had dried to a powdery substance.Samples of the orange matter were collected in canning jars and sent to a lab in Anchorage for analysis.Until results are known, Kivalina's 374 residents will likely continue to wonder just what exactly happened in their village."Certainly at this point it's a mystery," said Emanuel Hignutt, a chemist with the state Department of Environmental Conservation lab in Anchorage.

 I wonder if it is anything to do with chemical or oil spillages ? Sounds like  The Blob , 1950's sci fi film doesn't it?

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