Thursday, 16 January 2025

Humboldt River Monster


Humboldt River Serpent

The Humboldt River Basin is in north-central Nevada and  runs east-to-west terminating in the Humboldt Sink in northwest Churchill County. It  is approximately 330 miles in length.

There has been reports of  a sea serpent in the river.

In The West Coast Signal August 19, 1877

I have been requested to write you the following for publication. I had first thought that I would not for the reason that I didn’t like to have my word doubted when I speak only the truth. Although this may not be believed by some of the readers of the SIGNAL, it is something that can be sworn to by three or four different parties.

About three months ago as I was on my way to Garberville, not far below what is know as Phillip’s Flat  I saw what I thought was a foot log coming down the South Fork of the  river, and was not a little surprised to see such a thing adrift at that season of the year.

I was on a cliff of rocks, about 50 feet above the river, and stopped to watch the curious looking object, when I saw to my surprise it was a large serpent. The monster was at least 20 feet long in the water, and its head was raised about 3 feet above the surface of the stream, and was about as large as a dog’s head. It saw me, but did not seem to be alarmed, for it headed for the last cliff on which I was standing.

It was one of those hot days that we are accustomed on the South Fork, and the monster seemed to be hunting shade. It was about a foot in diameter; its color a dark brown, with large light and yellow spots. I watched him until he came under the cliff where the rocks hid him from view. It was seen twice more at the same place and once again further up the river. It seems to go to the woods for food, as there can be no other inducement.

It was signed a SOUTHFORKER

It was not the end of the matter .An article appeared in 1911.

Elko Free Press  July 14, 1911:

"While fishing on the Humboldt river a few miles east of Elko a few days ago, G.P. Griffith and Alex Hay had an experience that is still haunting them in their sleep. Both are reliable men and not given to 'seeing things,' and their report carries weight with their friends.

"They left town early for an all day's fishing trip, and had proceeded up the river to where the big dam backs up the river in the Fernald field, just opposite the road on the south side of the stream, near the bluffs. Here for several yards the stream is wide and quite deep. Mr. Griffith said he saw something coming down stream, which he thought at first was a flock of wild ducks, following one another in a long line. Being a sportsman, he was interested in the sight, and stepped back into a clump of bushes to watch them pass, and called to his companion. But to his wonder and amazement, when the object got opposite them, it was a huge serpent, swimming on the surface of the water, with it's head, or heads, held high and its long, huge, black, glistening, undulating body, gracefully cleaving the pure, limpid, mountain water, the reptile searching the banks of either side for prey.

"About twenty-feet was visible, and the monster had four heads, shaped something like a dog's head, the body of a black color, and as large as a man's leg. Fascinated, they watched the huge snake, but as soon as one of them spoke it disappeared on the instant. Mr. Griffith hurriedly left for his gun, and Mr. Hay remained to watch for its reappearance. A few minutes later it again came to the surface and Mr. Hay declares it was at least thirty feet long, with a tail like a fish, and the four heads, showing clearly, but when the man with the gun returned it had gone, and did not appear again, although they waited and watched a long time.

"Since it was seen, quite a number of our fisherman have gone to the place, but no one has had a glimpse of the monster."

That seemed to be the end of the story. There was one curious incident.The local indigenous people left the river on hearing the story.They believed in a river serpent that could swallow a child.

Large snakes are not unknown though they normally are found in South America. Could this have been one brought from there and released  ? It would explain why there were no more sightings as it probably passed away.


Hells Gate Sea Serpent


Hells Gate Sea Monster

Hells gate is a drainage system in the New York area. City Island is located at the extreme western end of Long Island Sound, south of Pelham Bay Park.

Long Island Sound off the shores of Pelham  had been the source of sightings of a mysterious sea serpent for a few years.There were so many reports during that two or three year period in the late 1870's that the respected scientific journal Scientific American collected, analyzed, and published  eyewitness accounts. No definitive proof was found.

Captain Banta ,the river pilot, rowing a small boat off the waters of City Island shortly before daylight in August 1895 on his way to meet a vessel that he was  to guide through the treacherous waters of nearby Hells Gate. Suddenly  a huge  creature with "big black eyes, which gleamed like dark lanterns" and that made a noise that "resembled that of a big steamer turning about in midstream" rose from the deep and struck his boat, raising it out of the water and nearly capsizing it.  Captain Banta dropped his oars and held onto the sides of the boat for dear life. 

The sea monster sank beneath the waters  and  then rose again  striking the boat a second time and lifting it out of the water  The monster was then attracted by the sound of a steamer and headed away leaving Banta to steer his damaged boat to shore

Three members of the United States Military also sighted the  Sea Serpent in 1895, the large beast had a head covered with "a big shock of hair."  It could lift that massive head out of the water on a long neck that writhed in the air.  Its neck was "at least four feet in diameter" and had skin that was scaly and "spotted white in places."  The face of the beast had great whiskers.."  It had a green beard and bright blue eyes with big flippers that it used to propel itself along.  Most frighteningly, when the beast dove into the depths of the Long Island Sound, its tail would shoot upward into the air "clad in rattles exactly like a rattlesnake."  When the tail reached its highest point out of the water, the rattles would begin to clang before the beast disappeared into the deep.

  A  few days after this a twenty-five foot long snake thought to be a boa constrictor floated out of the Sound and onto the shores of an island near Hell Gate, It was reported in local newspapers.

 The snake's back was badly torn as if it had  been killed by the paddle wheel of a steamer."

Some reports cite Banta’s experience as 1902 which would be after the snake was found. If that is the correct date then the dead snake was not responsible for the sightings.



Wednesday, 25 December 2024


 A Merry Cryptid Christmas 2024.

I hope you all find some joy in your day. 

Thanks for reading the blog.It will continue in 2025. xx

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

New Species in Lake Superior

Good News for Pressie?

 As new species discovered in Lake Superior It bodes well for the Lake Superior Monster.

Read it here:

The report says how good the water is to sustain like .This could be good news for Pressie ,the Lake Superior creature. Plenty of food to eat!

Read more about Pressie  here:

There are sightings going back decades. Always good news when new species is discovered, gives hope for discovery of Cryptids.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Kalanoro, Spirit or Real?


The Kalanoro 

Kalanoro is a humanoid cryptid, which is believed to live  on the island of Madagascar. Some say they are spirits of the forests. It is said to have lived on the island for 2000 years before the first human settlers.

They  are described as small and hairy  with fangs.Their legs are said to be backwards, with backwards facing feet. Their eyes glow red. Thy have long hair and fingernails looking unkempt. They are said  eat raw meat, and make a whining sound as if conversing.

Some tales show them to be malevolent and stealing children or robbing people. Others show them as loyal to humans they befriend.

In a 1964 , the author Bacil Kirtley wrote that the Kalanoro were dwarfish creatures. He compared them to  elves and trolls .He further said that they stole food, replaced human children with their own children .However many  of  the Madagascar people refute  that description.

Professor Joe Hobbs studied   the local tribes in the Ankarana Special Reserve, Madagascar. On May 15, 2000 Hobbs wrote that the  people of the village of Ambalakedi consider Andoboara Cave “sacred because on three separate occasions, most recently just two years ago, grief-stricken parents whose children had wandered into the forest had recovered them alive here” after food was left out for the Kalanoro in exchange for their children’s return.


So spirits or small hominids? The people of Ambalakedi believe they are real and the finders of lost children. It could be the children sought shelter in the caves and they were found when they came for the food left . One can only speculate without definite evidence. Lots of people in Europe believe in the little people so the tribes people are not alone in that belief.



Stump Pond Serpent


Stump Pond

Stump Pond  in Illinois contains a variety of fish including Bluegill, Carp, Channel Catfish, Drum (Sheepshead), Largemouth Bass. It’s a .shallow lake only a few feet deep popular for fishing.

In 1879, a man  fishing from his boat on the  pond  noticed a very large submerged object travelling  through the water. The boat was rocked by the waves.. The fisherman made for the shore as fast as he could..He swore he wouldn’t go fishing alone again.

Then in July 1880, two men reported seeing a serpent approximately  12 feet (4 metres)  long in the pond. They described it as dark green  and  as long as a telephone pole. The creature headed towards them and they fled..

Over  the years there have been several reports of the long green serpent with black fins.In 1968 there was an attempt to partially drain the pond and use electricity to stun the fish.. The largest fish found in the water weighed about 30 pounds ( about 14 kilos).

People however stuck to their stories and refused to be swayed by the lack of evidennce. Allyn Dunmeyer, stated “I was in my boat fishing for bass when it happened. Something came up from the bottom, struck the boat underneath so hard I nearly tipped over.”

He asserted there was more than one serpent  in the pond and that he had seen them so near the surface that their dorsal fins were sticking out of the water. Other witnesses reported seeing what looked like  alligators.

In view of the shallow nature of the pond it seems unlikely a large  creature could hide there .However there is an abundance of food to sustain any serpent. Perhaps a large catfish  or large snake could be responsible for the sightings. It remains a mystery.



Wednesday, 13 November 2024


 I apologise for lack of posts last couple of weeks. I am having internet connection problems which are still ongoing. Will get back to posting asap. Hopefully will soon be resolved .