Friday, 31 July 2009
Ogopogo captured on google earth?
The Minhocão , giant worm or folktale?

Anyone who has seen the film “Tremors” will be thinking is there some truth in this ?
The Minhocão is a creature similar to a huge earthworm that is rumoured to live in the forests of
An article by Auguste de Saint-Hilaire in the American Journal of Science was the first published reference to this creature of southern
In 1877, when another article appeared about this giant worm, this time for the German publication Zoologische Garten by zoologist Fritz Müller. He provided further information about the creature , including accounts of trenches dug by the subterranean creature which were so large as to divert rivers, and which destroyed entire orchards. This article also included this sighting which took place sometime in the 1840s near the Rio dos Papagaios in
A black woman going to draw water from a pool near a house one morning ... saw a short distance off an animal which she described as being as large as a house moving off along the ground. ... In the same district a young man saw a huge pine suddenly overturned ... he found the surrounding earth in movement, and an enormous worm-like black animal in the middle of it, about twenty-five metres long, and with two horns on its head.
In the same area of the Parania State, the author also noted a testimonial of a boy who stated that he saw a huge worm-like beast about twenty-five meters in length. The boy said that as the worm beast moved along the ground, the surrounding earth shook as well and trees were overturned.In the same article he related that in 1849 Lebino José dos
Francisco de Amaral Varella ... saw lying on the bank of the Rio das Caveiras a strange animal of gigantic size, nearly one metre in thickness, not very long, and with a snout like a pig, but whether it had legs or not he could not tell. ... whilst calling his neighbours to his assistance, it vanished, not without leaving palpable marks behind it in the shape of a trench ...
It was also reported an 1878 issue of the Popular Science Monthly that Müller had been told that a fish three feet across was spotted along a river in
The last account of a Minhocão appears to be from an anonymous newspaper story in 1899:
Source :
No recent reports seem to have been recorded. So is the creature now extinct or was this just another folktale? It sounds like a scary beast to come across but it would be great to have some evidence of it’s existence.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Five lake monsters in China

Here an article with pictures of lake monsters in
An extract :
Top five lake monsters in China
1)Two black-colored, unidentified animals were spotted by over 100 tourists in
2. Monster of
3. Monster of
4. Monster of Changtan, Shennongjia
5. Monster of
More on the Sanger Bigfoot Sighting

Bigfoot creature photographed in Sierra National Forest
July 28, 11:30 PM
The Bigfoot creature may have been captured on a remote trail camera placed in the
"The arms on a bear, when standing, do not hang that far down. We also took measures on how high this thing was. According to the leaves and the branches that were covering the object's face, the tape measure said it was between 8 and 9 feet tall. The same camera that took the picture of the object also took pictures of other objects such as black bear and deer, which does not resemble the object in any way." Gonzales said that Bigfoot investigator David Raygoza has been visiting this location for six years after an elderly Native American pointed it out to him.
He told David that this spot in the forest was sacred Indian land and that weird things happen here. He said David has had many individual sightings and has collected footprints, but has never captured anything with a camera until now.Returning to the exact spot where the image was captured, Gonzalez said that the angle of the hill is 45 degrees, which would make it difficult for a bear to stand upright. He also said the the object is clearly brown in color, ruling out the black bear
The Bigfoot creature has been reported in many different parts of the country during the 20th century, including an "outbreak" during 1973 and 1974, primarily in southwestern,
see the whole story plus more photos here:
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Lake Simcoe monster,Igopogo

Sometimes called "The Other Great Lake', Lake Simcoe, forty miles north of
The indigenous people of the area, The Huron, believed a monster inhabited
The first written description appears to be in 1827, when David Soules saw a creature from shore: “It was a huge long thing that went through the water like a streak, having huge fin-like appendages and being very large and very ugly looking.” As suddenly as the creature had appeared, it slipped beneath the water once more and was gone. The whole sighting lasted only seconds, but Mr. Soules never forgot it. Then it was seen again in Oct 1881 and described as 30 feet long with four fins ,and serpent like.
Recorded sightings occurred in1952 and 1963.
"Igopogo, Simcoe Monster, Reported Sighted Again," The Globe and Mail, Mon 1 July 1963, p. 1.
Then in June 1983 W.W. Skrypetz was doing a radar scan at about 3.30pm in the afternoons when it recorded the shape of large serpent like creatures.
In March of 1991, it was seen again and filmed.
"According to the unnamed videographer, while a friend was preparing for a hydroplane race, he suffered a mechanical breakdown and was forced to pause for repairs near the south end of the lake. As the racer lifted the engine hatch in order to assess the damage, a large animal suddenly surfaced directly in front of him - stunning the racer as well as the spectators on the shoreline. The viewers began to panic as the creature slowly lowered its head into the water. It continued to stare at the racer before disappearing completely."
And this report of the same incident:
Cook’s Bay, 1991. It was a beautiful summer’s day and the waters of the lake were crystalline and placid. A cameraman was on shore videotaping his friend as he raced his boat across the bay. Suddenly, the craft broke down. While the boater began repairs, something quietly surfaced mere metres away. At first, the creature rose out of the water on a long neck, then it slowly sunk back into the water and peered upward at the boater with only the top of its head visible above the surface. A few moments later, it submerged and did not return.
In August 2005, supported by Discovery
The sightings do not occur as frequently as of other lake creatures and it does seem more elusive , so evidence is limited. Maybe new technology may throw some light on the creature and someone will fund some research to do it.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Latest big cat sighting and photo.

An off-duty Ministry of Defence police dog handler has taken a photo of what he claims is a panther-sized big cat. Pc Chris Swallow was helping a friend with their garden in Helensburgh, Argyll, when he spotted the black creature on a nearby railway line. The officer, who is stationed at the Faslane naval base on the Clyde, said the cat was as big as a
After running to his car to grab his camera phone, Pc Swallow stood on the rail bridge at Winston Road and got a still photo and a couple of minutes of footage of the animal moving up the railway line. He added: "It was remarkable. I've heard stories about creatures like this moving about the countryside, but never really believed them before. Looking back at the video I don't think there's any doubt that it's a big cat." The Coulport Cougar was first reported in June 2004. The creature was described as being tan and prowling the woods and hills around Loch Long, Portincaple, Whistlefield and next to the Coulport access road. However, another creature, described as being black in colour, was also spotted at the nearby Garelochhead Training Camp, leading some people to believe that there may also have been a panther in the area.
John Belshaw, pest control officer at the Faslane naval base, said he had spoken to people in the past who had been "quite shaken" by seeing a big cat cross the road in front of them during the night. Mr Belshaw said: "I have had a look at Chris's footage and have to say that I do not believe it is a domestic cat or a dog. "At one point in the video it seems to walk on the railway line and a dog simply wouldn't have had the balance to do this. "Also, you can tell from the size of the track that it is much larger than a house cat." There have been regular reports of big cat sightings across the
Shaun Stevens, a researcher with the Big Cats in
See original story here :
latest on Mongolian deathworm

Artist Rob Farrier's death worm illustration
David Farrier to embark on hunt for Mongolian death worm
Two New Zealanders will leave for
Monday, 27 July 2009
The Irish Lough Monster ,Muckie of Muckross Lake.

There is apparently a lake monster in Muckross lake in
It is estimated to measure almost 80m in length and the object or creature has scientists puzzled. Irish and international scientists have been working with the Irish Char Conservation Group to find out more about the fish life in the Ice age lakes around Co. Kerry. They carried out the first fish survey in
Dr. Fran Igoe, scientific adviser to the Irish Char Conservation Group stated “ what we do know is the fish fauna in Muckross is very ancient indeed. We have confirmed the presence of a good population of Arctic char, and the lake is known to hold ferox trout, ordinary trout and Atlantic salmon as well as lamprey species and eel, all of which attest to the ancient origins of this lake. This latest discovery is very exciting and the Irish Char Conservation Group is keen to continue our investigations in this area. Talk that these images may be that of a mysterious prehistoric monster like that reported for Loch Ness may be a bit premature.”
The sonar picked up something the size of a two story house in about 75 feet of water near the south eastern portion of the lake. The team was unsure as to what the object or creature might be, but they were able to rule out computer errors as everything was functioning well.
Mr. Patty O’Sullivan,
It has been seven years since the initial sonar contact was discovered, no sightings or new evidence has been found to adequately explain what it was the sonar picked up, so a mystery remains..
The original story :
And more about Irish
Sunday, 26 July 2009
new bigfoot sighting reported.

For a long time, this column has featured some weird stories about Bigfoot sightings in the western
Last fall, he was invited to visit an elderly friend who lives in Little Switzerland. "I arrived after dark on a Tuesday and discovered that my friend's summer home is located at the top of a mountain," he writes on the BRFO site. "Her 'development' consists of about 60 homes tucked away in the woods on steep slopes accessed via a series of narrow gravel and macadam roads." His first thought was that this development was built in a likely Sasquatch habitat. "Indeed, as we sat watching TV after dinner, I began to have the creepy sensation of being watched, although my friend told me that neither of her neighbors was in residence that night," the man wrote. "After the news, about 11:30, I told my friend I was stepping outside from some night air, when in fact my intention was to have a look around and listen to the woods." The man wasn't outside for more than five minutes before he was startled by what sounded like wood knocks coming from the woods. He reportedly heard a single thump that came from the woods, followed by another "answering" thump five to 10 seconds later, coming from a different direction. The sounds were repeated every couple of minutes for perhaps 15 minutes and it sounded as if the second knock changed positions slightly. He estimated that they were a couple of hundred yards away from where he stood. The man noticed a nearby woodpile. He picked up a log and added a third knock to the mix by hitting a nearby tree. The first knock was heard again quickly, almost as an answer to the man's knocking against the tree. After few more times, the knocks stopped and the man went inside for the night.
The next day, the man went out running for some exercise. As he ran through an undeveloped area, he again had the feeling of being watched. While he was out, he found two, human-like footprints in the soft dirt of a nearby hillside. The next night, he again heard the knocking sounds coming from the same general direction. But this time, he also heard "a plaintive, eerie howling" coming from behind the house. "It sounded every 30 seconds of so for perhaps 20 minutes, he wrote in his report. "I told myself it could be a dog tied outdoors. I decided not to interact that night. I just had a feeling that it was not the thing to do." That night, the man was awakened from his sleep by the sound of a heavy thumping on the roof. As he sat up in bed, he heard another couple of thumps that sounded as if they came from the area over the closet."Soon I was fast asleep again, only to be scared awake by what was clearly pounding on the walls of my room that was so loud, my first thought was, 'Someone is breaking into my room!,'" he wrote in his report.
He sat up in bed and turned on the overhead light in his room. He felt like this sound had to be caused by a Bigfoot because of the loudness and the height of the outside walls. The sounds soon died down and the man had the feeling that the creature was leaving for the night. He heard nothing more.
"Next morning over breakfast, my hostess asked me if I had been awakened by that that 'awful pounding' on the roof," reads his report on the BFRO site. "We traded our stories. My friend told me that nothing of the sort had happened before in the 25 years she and her husband had lived in the house." The elderly woman was concerned about the noise and asked what it could have been. The man said he didn't quite know but would confer with some neighbors." Before leaving my friend to continue on my trip towards eastern NC, I inspected the area around her house for footprints," reads his report. "I found none, but I discovered that a tall tree grew up through the back deck through a hole that had been cut for it. The tree would provide easy access to the deck and roof, while the low roof in front would make the roof accessible from that position.".
Contact Mike Conley at 652-3313, ext. 3422 or e-mail
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Lake Windermere's monster ?

Swimmer hit by 'monster' wake
10:24am Thursday 23rd July 2009 By Matthew Taylor
A BIZARRE swimming incident on Windermere coincided with the announcement that a paranormal investigator will plumb the lake’s depths in search of a giant creature. Thomas Noblett, 46, was swimming the lake this week when he was suddenly swamped by a three-foot wave of unknown origin. A spate of eyewitness sightings reported by The Gazette during 2006-2007 described a 50-foot long serpent-like animal surfacing on Windermere. Psychic Dean ‘Midas’ Maynard, who came to prominence by accurately predicting sports score lines and X factor winners, will hunt for the beast in September. Mr Noblett trains on the lake for four hours every day in preparation for a channel swim. Never having had to deal with anything more than the odd passing trout, the 46-year-old said he had since reconsidered the legend of the Windemere monster. “I didn’t entertain it before. Now when I’m in the lake it has my full attention,” he said. Mr Noblett, managing director of The Langdale Chase Hotel, was swimming close to
Another mystery is that CFZ have no knowledge of this see here:
It is not the first time a creature has been seen in Windermere and CFZ did think it may a large sterile eel. They have been to the lake before, but this not this time.
Cryptozoological finds

Cryptozoology can be a lonely hobby. Cryptozoologists are often the butt of significant ridicule from both inside and outside the scientific community.While not every cryptozoologist thinks critically or is scrupulous about methodology, most are quite serious about what they are doing. The periodic reappearance of species formerly thought to be extinct is the kind of event that keeps cryptozoologists going. The truth is, whatever might be said about cryptozoologists and their quirks, ancient animals and plants really do vanish and the reappear with surprising frequency. Such animals and plants are discovered so often, in fact, that paleontologists have a term for them: They are called 'Lazarus taxa' (after the man raised from the dead in the Gospel of John), meaning they were thought to be extinct for some extended period, then suddenly reappeared, alive and well. Many people believe that cryptids may actually be extinct species that have found a way to survive.
The Coleacanth. This large prehistoric fish was thought to have gone extinct 80 million years ago until a live specimen was found in 1938.
Monoplacophora Mollusks. These innocuous shellfish from the prehistoric Devonian period (circa 380 million years ago) were found happily alive (well, however happy a mollusk can get) in deep waters off
The Pygmy Tarsier. This odd, gremlin-like animal was thought to have gone extinct 80 years ago until a Texas A & M researcher found three of them alive and well in
The Laotian Rock Rat. Thought to be extinct for 11 million years, this early mammal was discovered in 1996.
The Lazarussuchus. This very small crocodile was common the late Triassic period and was assumed to have gone extinct about 170 million years ago. So far two living varieties have been discovered, the first in 1982.
Gracilidris. This species of 20 million year old ants, thought to be extinct, was discovered by a team of scientists in
The Dawn Redwood. A small cluster of this extinct prehistoric redwood tree was discovered in 1944 in
The Wollemi Pine. This tree was only know from fossils between 2 and 90 million years old until it was discovered alive in 1994.
The Chacoan Peccary. This small piglike animal was only known from the fossil record until scientists discovered living specimens in 1975.
The Mountain Pygmy Possum.
Are all cryptids examples of reappearing animals? It is completely possible that no cryptids are examples of reappearing animals.It's just as possible, however, that at least some of them might well be living examples of animals thought to be long gone from planet Earth, animals that may well one day turn up as live specimens.
In the meantime, just knowing that such animals are regularly found is enough to keep cryptozoologists actively looking for more of them.
Cryptozoology and reappearing species: Ten formerly 'extinct' animals
July 23, 7:58 AM Author: Pamela Grundy
Friday, 24 July 2009
Invasion of the giant jelly fish!

The Nomura, also known as the Echizen jellyfish, would not look out of place in a Godzilla film. They can weigh up to 200kg and measure up to 2m in diameter. For the past four summers, they have mysteriously materialised in the Yellow Sea off
mysterious blood sucking creature reported
ONGWEDIVA – Unknown creatures that reportedly devour and suck blood from livestock are haunting villagers at Onheleiwa, Oidiva and Oikango of Ongwediva constituency. Over 20 goats have been killed at Onheleiwa and Oidiva villages and an unknown number at Oikango, where the situation is said to be worse.Villagers are convinced that the creatures have something to do with witchcraft. They are now accusing an elderly man who has a house at Onheleiwa village and his sister who has a house at Oikango village of being the owners of these strange, blood-sucking beasts.
Oshana Police spokesperson, Christina Fonsech, said the police were called at Onheleiwa last week where they followed the creatures’ footprints. According to her, the creatures’ footprints are bigger than a dog’s footprints, and police could not identify the creatures.
“We followed them but they walked until a spot where they just vanished. It’s difficult to explain what happened to those footprints because they looked as if they climbed onto something but it was in an open space, so we don’t know what happened,” she said.
Olivia Shikongo had her whole kraal wiped out by the creatures, leaving her with only two kid goats.According to Shikongo, on July 3 five of her goats were eaten up. All that was left were traces of hooves and heads of some of the goats, while other goats had their stomachs cut open and had no intestines or liver. “Last Wednesday they came to the kraal again. When I heard the goats making noise, I started to scream. It seems that they could no longer kill the goat that they had bitten so they left. When we went to the kraal in the morning, there were only three goats. One goat, which is the bigger one, was fighting for its life. There was no trace of five other goats that were also at the kraal the previous night,” she explain According to her, when she and other villagers looked around all they could find were the footprints of the unknown creatures while her five goats seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Shikongo lost a total of 11 goats in two nights.
“I’m only left with two small goats that we now lock up inside a room in the house,” she said. Another villager who also lost a goat said he saw the creatures when he ran to the kraal after he heard his animals making noise. According to him, he found four animals at the kraal but when they saw him, they ran away. The villagers that claim to have seen the unknown creatures, said they look like tigers. Although the community members are also scared for their lives, they said they understand that the animals do not attack human beings. “If you find them at night, they just sit still on the side of the path and wait for you to pass by,” said another villager. see the original story here :
Mysterious Beasts Torment Villagers - by Helvy Tueumuna 21 July 2009