Friday 16 September 2016

Loch Ness Monster sightings from the past.


I am re-posting this from September 2011 .

monster sighting in Obit column

Jane Nelson
Jane Nelson, who died on August 1 aged 95, was a gifted gardener, indefatigable charity worker and a prize-winning breeder of Highland cattle at her estate in Argyllshire.
Extract: On December 30 1933 Jane, her sister Kathleen and their father saw the Loch Ness monster. In Jane’s own words: “We were driving along Loch Ness looking for it one very stormy day when suddenly I saw two bumps sticking out of the water, so we all got out to look at it. Luckily we had some field glasses, and we watched it for 40 minutes swimming around in the loch. More and more bumps kept appearing until we finally saw nine, and then it began swimming away more quickly; but it was snowing so hard by this time that we lost sight of it.”
The sighting was reported with some excitement in the Inverness Courier. Jane thought she saw the monster on another occasion a few years later, although it was a less convincing event: “This time only one huge bump was sticking out and was going very fast across the loch.”

RIP a great lady. 

Yet another photo of Nessie

Loch Ness Monster FOUND at last? Astonishing new photo of Nessie

A WHISKY warehouse worker has taken a picture of what could be one of the most convincing Loch Ness Monster sightings to date.

Amateur photographer Ian Bremner, 58, was driving around the Highlands in search of red deer - but stumbled instead across the remarkable sight of what appears to be Nessie swimming in the calm waters of Loch Ness.
The father-of-four spends most of his weekends in the region taking photographs of the stunning natural beauty.
But it was not until he got back to his home in Nigg, Invergordon, that he noticed three humps emerging from the water which he thinks could be the elusive monster.
see photo read rest here :

The photos are coming thick and fast this year. So far none are really convincing .

Monday 12 September 2016

video of Champ?

Vermont Navy Veteran Captures Video of ‘Champ’ Monster

Posted on Sep 11 2016 - 5:13pm by Cryptozoology News
 The owner of the video, a 33-year-old Navy veteran and IT student who provided a full name but asked to remain anonymous, told Cryptozoology News that the sighting took place back in late July.
” I had placed a motion activated camera trap at the water’s edge. At 4:00 a.m., in the darkness, it recorded video of an unusual animal,” he said.
The 31-second-long video file, which he titled Champ 2016,  shows footage taken by two different cameras in a split screen containing something floating or swimming through the dark water.
Read rest see video here :

The Hunt for the Humber Monster

Hunt is on for terrifying monster lurking in the depths of the Humber River

Humber Monster Watch has launched a campaign to track down the creature.

Saturday 10 September 2016

New photo of Nessie and baby nessie?

Has Nessie had kids? Incredible new snaps capture TWO Scottish monsters

A DAD is convinced he captured TWO Loch Ness monsters at large.
Ian Campbell, 56, was on a bicycle ride with his son and a friend when he saw two gigantic "creatures" swimming across Loch Ness.

The beasts' eerie resemblance with the Nessies stunned the dad, from Taynuilt in Argyll, Scotland.

The council regulatory officer said: "At the time we saw it we had stopped for a rest and to admire the view. It seemed to appear suddenly from nowhere.
"I said to my son: 'What is that in the water?' He said to me that it looked like a big animal.
"I was saying to my son that we had just seen the Loch Ness monster."
see rest of story and pics here:
 This will excite those who believe there is a breeding population of creatures in the Loch .There has certainly been more sightings this year .

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Storr Lochs Monster fossil unveiled

Skye's Storr Lochs Monster fossil unveiled in Edinburgh
By Steven McKenzie BBC Scotland Highlands and Islands reporter

The fossilised skeleton of a 170 million-year-old Jurassic predator discovered on the Isle of Skye has been unveiled in Edinburgh.Named the Storr Lochs Monster, the fossil of the sea-living reptile was found in 1966.
Fifty years on from the find, scientists from the University of Edinburgh and National Museums Scotland are preparing a detailed study of it.It has been identified as being from a family of animals called ichthyosaur

Perhaps Nessie has a cousin? Storr Lochs has a dam built in early 1950’s used to produce hydro electricity. The fossil was found by a manager from the facility on the beach nearby.

Friday 2 September 2016