Wednesday 11 October 2017

another Nessie sighting


Loch Ness monster spotted by stunned newly weds spot on their honeymoon – after spate of seven new sightings

Newly wed Rebecca Stewart was touring with husband Paul when she became the seventh person to spot Nessie this year.
Mrs Stewart from Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire, photographed and saw the large fin shape for five minutes.
Her husband also saw the creature which gatecrashed their honeymoon.
Shop manager Mrs Stewart's sighting on Monday at Fort Augustus has now been accepted by the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register.
"It was hard to tell on size, however birds would fly near it and (they) looked very small in comparison to the thing in the water. We were on the pier and the thing was over near what looks like a small boat house. Birds would fly near it and quickly fly away from it," she said in her report.
"A boat came from the canal and the thing then disappeared. We didn't have binoculars unfortunately and I used my iPhone to take the photos.
read rest see pics here :

Tuesday 15 August 2017

New hunt for Nessie.

Could a Kiwi finally find the Loch Ness Monster?
A New Zealand scientist hunting for the world's most famous marine monster has begun his journey in Scotland.Neil Gemmel of Otago University has visited Loch Ness to get the lay of the lake, meet the people he'll be working with and take stock of the massive task ahead on the loch.
Professor Gemmel is planning to trawl the loch for DNA - excrement, urine, dandruff, skin cells etc - and it's never been done before."You don't believe in Nessie as such, but is there a little bit of you - my inner child - hoping that you might find evidence," says Professor Gemmel."Of course, we're always excited about the prospect of discovering something new, I suspect there are new things to be found."
Read rest here:

Thursday 3 August 2017

A cryptid or mutant toads ?

Richard Muirhead kindly sent me these two strange stories of animals of peculiar appearance found in the 1600s.The first was written by Roger L’Estrange who you can find more about here :

The story is some men out fishing came across a strange creature and is as follows :
“whilst he had the liberty of viewing this monstrous creature, which he found to have all the parts of a Toad and more; therefore having competent skill in Limning, and having the advantage of Pencil and Paper about him, did with all exactness Draw this strange Animal, which from his own hands came to mine, whose Description you shall now have, and when the Engraver with whom the figure is, has finished it, that shall be also presented to you.
This Creature was in Length exactly Fourteen Inches: as it Sat it was Ten Inches and a Half over; upon the hinder parts of his Back, and the fore-part eight and a Barley Corn, how high it might stand he knew not, for it sat all the while crooling down; its nose was as black as jet, proportionable to the rest of its body, and of each side adorn'd with Bristles; under his Eyes was a perfect Seaming made Cistern-fashion, of a Green colour, whilst his eyes most delicately beautiful, seem'd to drop that way; over which were placed bristles of a muddy green; under his Gills were Flapps like two scollop shells, of the Colour of a Gurnets fins, admirably blew and shining, & always expanded; under them were two Pouches or Bladders, of a deep Orange colour, larger then the Fins, being a big as ordinary Pearplumbs, and something of that figure▪ the head had a Sea-Green scaly Armour on, which ran along itsback within four Inches of its tail; the hinder-part was covered with perfect Hair, but dusky, hoary coloured, of the same manner was that as went along the sides and feet. But what is yet most strange, is his Tail, which was thrice as long as its body, which it wore on its back, somthing like the True-Lovesknot, and tho' it seem'd so intricate, yet when he offred to turn this creature on its back to view its belly, it flung its Tail as sudden as the jirk of a Coachmans Whip, & had not he stood sideways, he might have had too much cause to have repented his curiosity; but as it hapned it's tail fell into a slit of that stone which was its former Mansion, and though the poor Creature strove hard, yet it could not release it thus engag'd; upon which there appeared as close as might be, onely reckonable, a hundred ninety seaven scaly rings, jetty, black, and shining, which he made a shift by this means to reckon, and may be guess'd to be the indications of its Annual extension; at the end of the Tail was a forked sting, within an Inch of which was a small Pouch, of the colour of Gum Bugiae.
The Gentleman finding his Over-grown Toad in this posture, would have gagg'd the Toad, but no sooner had he touch'd its Nose, but it recoil'd backwards, even off the Stone, which it seem'd so to Hatch, and Cherish before. But there being an unfortunatehollow or miss of ground, where this rare Animal falling, & not coming quick enough to the ground, the said Satchel or Pouch neer the sting broke, out of which there issued the most Diaphanous Yellow Liquor as ever was seen, deeply staining the stone, upon which the Toad that then hung above-ground fell down, his Tail freely coming to him; which he had not enjoy'd above three Minutes e're he departed this scurvy world: but before it received its change, it gave three such shrieks that the stranger was not onely forc'd to stop his ears: But this Lamentable Dirge, forc'd the Neigbours out of their Houses: He perceiving the Creature quite dead, took a fresh resolution, and turn'd it upon its back, and found its belly to be as white as the driven snow; cover'd with a most delightful down: about that time when he was busie viewing this pleasing Object, his Nose was surpriz'd with a most ungrateful Stench, which he found to proceed from that Limpid Yellow substance that the Toad had spilt, in which (it seems) its Seal of Life was plac'd. Just at its Departure its Head mov'd, and it vomited forth a Triangular Stone, being an Inch from each Angle, and in Depth according, which he drew to him with a Staff, keeping his Fingers upon his Nose”

The second story also concerns a toad like creature:
The letter from Thomas Flatman to his brother is dated 25.09.1662 and is in the Bodleian Library Oxford. He described a strange serpent a yard and a half long with a head like a toad. It had a large yellow ring about its neck and four yellow legs and wings like a bat. It was covered in thick scales and had been seen eating a water hen. It seemed to like the sunshine.

So were the creatures a cryptid, an unknown creature or simply a normal animal misidentified? The second sounds like a flying lizard, the first I have no idea .

WW1 sub attacked by sea monster found

The Crew Of This WW1 Sub Claimed They Were Attacked By A Sea Monster – Now The Wreck Has Been Found
While laying an undersea power line, Scottish engineers discovered a World War I German submarine on the sea floor. Experts believe that the wreck is UB-85, a German U-boat which the rescued crew claimed was attacked and sunk by a sea monster.
It’s a story that has been repeated through the years, but one historian isn’t buying it.  He believes the story owes more to stories told and retold in the 20s than to the facts of the war. Innes McCartney, a historian and marine archaeologist at Bournemouth University, believes credulous journalists are to blame for spreading the story.
The story goes like this: Captain Günther Krech and his crew were captured by the crew of the British warship HMS Coreopsis on April 30, 1918.  When questioned, the captain said that their submarine was no longer able to dive because a beast jumped out of the water and damaged their vessel.  He described a monster with horns, small eyes that were set deep in his head, and masses of monstrous teeth.  When the creature climbed up the side of the ship, its weight pulled the boat onto its side.  The crew was forced to surrender to the British.  They abandoned ship and scuttled the boat.
Read rest here :

Read more on the sea monster story here :

Sunday 16 July 2017

News of the Lake Norman Creature

Another clue emerges on Lake Norman ‘monster’ with report of ‘enormous fish’
A report this month that yet another person saw a “dinosaur” in the murky waters of man-made Lake Norman has prompted someone else to step forward with a clue about what the creature might be.In a July 14 posting on the official website, a diver from Clemmons claims to have seen an “enormous” fish in the lake 20 years ago. The diver, who didn’t give a name, said he was looking for old bottles among the buildings that were submerged when the lake was first created.Adding to the creepiness factor: His light found the fish in the black waters inside one of those submerged buildings, he wrote.
“It least 8 feet long and 3 feet across the mouth,” posted the diver. “We hovered in the water for a good 5 minutes with our lights on it, not believing what we were seeing. I’ve never seen a freshwater fish that big...The only thing it did was to pump it’s gills and open and shut it’s mouth slowly, like it didn’t even see us.”
He guesses it may have been a cat fish “a damn big, scary one too.” It could be the monster, he suggested.“That fish might be a lot bigger in the 20 odd years since,” the diver wrote.
Speculation of the possible origin of the fabled “monster” has increased in the past week, after a web site called reported a 35-year-old Mecklenburg County man claimed he saw a “dinosaur-like creature” two weeks ago while traveling on a boat with friends.The man described the creature as “splashing around in the water,” 10-feet-long and reminiscent of the mythical Loch Ness monster. It was visible for about a minute before dropping below the surface, he told the website.
Doubters believe the creature – if there is one at all – is a giant catfish or even an alligator, a species that is rare in local waters.“Couldn’t this be a sturgeon?” asked one skeptic on “They get MASSIVE and do closely resemble that of a croc with the spines on their back and large bumpy scales.”
The Observer has covered the ongoing Lake Norman sightings, which date back nearly 50 years.A few dozen witnesses have posted sightings on Descriptions range from a dinosaur-like monster to a giant snake with fins... and thick whiskers.Most describe the creature, called Normie, as looking like the famed Loch Ness monster that allegedly inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands.A page is devoted to The Lake Norman Monster on the web site, and it notes there is no physical evidence to support the existence of a monster living in Lake Norman. The site speculates the sightings could involve a giant catfish or alligator gar.“Descriptions of Normie vary from sighting to sighting, and range from a crocodilian like creature to the more classic three humped serpent,” says “Most that have seen the Lake Norman Monster seem to agree that the beast is more fish like, with a slender body, thick whisker like appendages, flippers and a ragged looking dorsal fin.”
More on the Lake Norman monster here:

Wednesday 28 June 2017

A mermaid and a monster in Loch Broom?

Loch Broom is a 15 km long sea loch located on the North West coast  of Scotland. It varies in width from 0.5 to 1.5 km. It has a healthy stock of   wild brown trout and is quite shallow compared to Loch Ness. That have been reports of a mermaid and a  monster in the Loch.

Fishermen spellbound by tame fishing 'monster
 I HAVE now received from Inverness reference library a copy of the article on mermaids printed in the Inverness Advertiser on 20th January 1832. The man who reported seeing the mermaid said he was crossing in a boat from Ullapool, when opposite the Green Stone point, the crew discovered a figure, apparently that of a man, sitting upon a rock, and engaged in fishing. As it was unusual to find any person fishing on the Sabbath day, the men rowed the boat towards the object of their curiosity, and to their utter amazement found it to be partly the likeness of a human being, of which the uppermost half resembled a female, and was white as snow, and the other half was of a sky blue colour, and had fins and a tail like a fish. The monster was very tame, and the crew say that it did not seem to be afraid of them, and it had soft rolling eyes, and gazed at them for some time, occasionally turning towards some sea-maws that were flying above in the air! (Sea-maws are seagulls.) Thanks again to Donald Macdonald-Ross of Niagara who also sent me a transcript of the article. Donalds great grandmother was a Chirsty Macdonald from Reiff in Coigach and he has been doing a great amount of genealogy research. He has a homepage dealing with the history and genealogy of Coigach at

In August 1906 a monster was reported :
Two excise officers reportedly fired at a 90 foot (30 metre) long monster as it charged towards them at some 60 miles per hour, resulting in the creature diving. Local fishermen also spotted the monster, and it was also claimed that a 100 tonne yacht was lifted out of the water when it came into contact with the beast.
Source :Loch Broom Monster, Cardiff Times 18 August 1906
However a discussion in The Zoologist that year declared it to be a basking shark.

I wasn’t aware that basking sharks could move that fast as I thought they were slow moving. So was it Nessie paying a  visit?

Rob Lowe says he was almost killed by Bigfoot

Rob Lowe says he was almost killed by Bigfoot: 'I'm fully aware that I sound crazy'
Actor recalls terrifying encounter with the "wood ape" in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.

By Toyin Owoseje June 28, 2017 10:15 BST

Hollywood actor Rob Lowe has claimed that an encounter with legendary beast Bigfoot almost cost him his life. According to the 53-year-old star, he came face-to-face with the Sasquatch while filming his new paranormal reality series The Lowe Files."We had an incredible encounter with what locals call the wood ape [Sasquatch]," he said of his alleged brush with the mythical animal, whose existence is yet to be confirmed despite countless supposed sightings. The Lowe Files docuseries will see the star and his two sons investigate paranormal occurrences, with the encounter with Bigfoot the most disturbing."We're 100 miles from the nearest town. We spent 45 minutes on the most rugged, brutal mountain trails. It's one in the morning. There are a lot of serious former military men with loaded weapons, then something starts approaching our camps that is defying their orders to stop and their warnings that [they were] armed."
Read rest here:
So publicity stunt or genuine ? decide .

Lizzie, The Loch Lochy monster, or Nessie passing through? From 2009

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Lizzie, The Loch Lochy monster, or Nessie passing through?

Loch Lochy (Scottish Gaelic, Loch Lochaidh) is a large freshwater lake located southwest of Loch Ness. It is ten miles long and one mile wide and is said to be the home of Lizzie, a creature described as similar to the Loch Ness Monster, Nessie.. Loch Lochy is only separated from Loch Ness by Loch Oich. Loch Oich is said to contain several holes reported to go as deep as 2000 feet. This of course has given rise to the possibility that animals from Loch Ness are also being seen in the other two lochs.
Lizzie was first sighted in 1929 by two game wardens near SpeanBridge..
The two game wardens believed at first that they where looking at nothing more than debris from a large fallen tree. When one of the two men took a closer look through his telescope they soon realized that they where looking at much more than a fallen tree but a large unidentified beast, they continued to watch the creature swim for about a mile before it submerged back into the depths of the loch.
1930: A man living on the loch side saw a strange creature in the water one day - he told his wife never to wash her clothes there again!Other reports came and in 1933 the monks of Fort Augustus Abbey began to chronicle known sightings.
In 1960, while staying in a caravan near Glen Fintaig, Eric Robinson, his family, and nine other witnesses, spotted what looked to be a standing wave in the centre of the loch.It appeared to be caused by a living creature Viewing the animal through binoculars he estimated that the animal was between 30 and 40-feet in length, with a dark spine and a paler underbelly. Robinson and the other witnesses claimed the creature began to roll in the water exposing a huge flipper before disappearing into the loch. This sighting was witnessed by nine other people.
1975: Mrs. Margaret Sargent of Fort William was passing the loch with her husband and family near the Corriegour Hotel when they saw an unusual wake on the flat calm loch. A long black shape could be seen moving through the water. As she took a photo, the object disappeared below the water and the subsequent picture showed only the wake.(see link below to Nik Sargent’s story)
In 1996 while fishing for pike in the loch, angler Alastair Stevenson encountered a creature approximately 18-feet in length and roughly the shape of an overturned rowboat. The creature reportedly took Stevenson’s bait and began to pull the vessel. Stevenson was quoted as saying, "I knew immediately it wasn't a pike with that ferocity. I had to stop the line but when I did the power started dragging the boat behind it. All the time I'm thinking it was like a scene from Jaws. Fortunately my line and rod snapped and that was the end of that. I have no idea what it was, but it was a lot bigger than a pike
An expedition the same year led by crypto zoologist Cameron Turner, had a contact with a large object near Spean Bridge, where the very first reported sighting took place. The contact was estimated as being between 18 and 20-feet in length, and was moving at a depth of 160-feet below the surface. Approximately two minutes later, after the boat sharply turned starboard in order to pursue the contact, a second contact was made, this time at a depth of 200 feet. As the boat approached the centre of the Loch, above an abysmal trench which is reportedly over 300-feet deep, the objects disappeared. Cameron returned to the Loch again in September 1997, and hired a boat from the family of Alastair Stevenson, the same man who had the 1996 encounter with the creature. The team had another contact about 270 feet down in the loch. During the 3 minutes the team managed to follow the contact they where able to get clear pictures of the sonar screen . nothing. They also had readings showing sonar hits of over 2000 feet deep, which appeared to be holes in the bottom of the Loch,.
Loch Oich is located between Loch Ness and Loch Lochy in the Great Glen and the three locks are connected and form part of the Caledonian Canal. A strange beast has also been reported in Loch Oich. Described as a dog headed serpent, with a horse like mane, two humps, black skin and a snake like neck, very like the descriptions of the creature reported in Loch Ness.
Sightings of the Loch Oich Monster date back to the 19th century. The Loch Oich Monster is also reported to have caused at least a death. The story goes that some time in the 20th century the Loch Oich Monster reportedly drowned a young boy, who allegedly climbed on the creatures back in hopes of catching a ride, when the beast submerged the boy was dragged below the surface and drowned.
In 1961 hoaxers reportedly planted an artificial monster in the dark waters of Loch Oich in order to take some photographs and cash in on the monsters popularity. This has not helped serious investigation in the area.
Eye witness accounts:
Lizzie, a three humped first cousin of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, surfaced again last week on Loch Lochy.And several people, locals and vistors, confirmed on Thursday the sighting of the water beast.Staff and guests at the Corriegour Lodge Hotel watched in amazement as a dark shaped twelve foot long "something" caused a commotion on the loch which is overlooked by the hotel.Guests and waitresses at Corriegour Lodge rushed to the picture window of the dining room to get a better view of the creature which had come to the surface."At first we thought what we were seeing was an upturned boat", said husband and wife Derick and Lindsay Burney, from Hornchurch, who were having dinner at the hotel."Then suddenly it started moving backwards, and then round in circles, and we noted that it had three humps. It was causing quite a stir. It was very large, about twelve feet in length, and it wasn't a seal or any other mammal we've ever seen before. And we've been coming to Loch Lochy on boating holidays for the past seven years"
Lorna Bunney, joint proprietor with her husband Rod, of Corriegour Lodge revealed that she had originally seen a marine animal in the loch three weeks previously."I thought at first that it was just the wake from a cabin cruiser but it was too fast, and the ripples too close together for that. I ran to look out of the kitchen door and I realised it was some kind of creature. I've never seen anything like it before." Source:

The Sargent family 1975 sighting told by their son::

And report this from 1996 claims to have found a body:

It is intriguing that the first sighting of Lizzie was before the 1933 media frenzy over Loch Ness. There are reports of a hole in the bottom of Loch Ness(Edward’s Deep) . Perhaps there are tunnels between the Lochs, but it seems unlikely that no one has found them before. It still is an interesting idea that the creatures(or fish or eels or whatever they are) could travel between the lochs, and hence their ability to hide from sonar and researchers. A good mid week thought to cogitate over .

from Wednesday, 24 February 2010 Does Nessie visit other lochs?

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The Loch Ness Creature -does it migrate to other Lochs?

There has been speculation over the years that the Loch Ness creature moves between the local Lochs. I was browsing through some old newspaper articles and news reports when I came across these two from the same year.
LONDON, June 14 (Reuter) - Sixteen people watched in amazement as a mysterious object ploughed swiftly across Loch Ness, leaving a white water wake before disappearing after five minutes into the depths of the Scottish lake. "I cannot find a rational explanation for what I saw," said English tourist David Neeld, the morning after Thursday evening's sighting. "I do not think there is any other explanation than it was the Loch Ness monster." Sightings of the monster, nicknamed Nessie and often described as having a long neck and large body like a brontosaurus, have been reported since the 15th century. Several expeditions have been undertaken in the loch but they have found nothing. The strange object was first spotted at 10 p.m. by Kate Munro, joint owner of the Craigdarroch House, a hotel on the edge of the Highland lake. She alerted her husband Dave and 14 guests who watched the object for five minutes. They told reporters that it appeared to be something large just under the loch's surface, moving at high speed. "There was no traffic on the loch at all, yet here was a wake as big as comes from a cruiser," said Neeld. "There were a few locals in the hotel's bar and they said it was Nessie, so I will go along with that," he said. "I must say that I was very impressed." Another tourist, Karen Hemingway, said: "Whatever we saw was certainly quite strange. There were no boats around at all. I think I could well have seen the monster. "Around two million tourists are attracted to 40-km (25-mile) long Loch Ness each year because of the monster legend.
Lizzie the Loch Ness Monster's cousin is back. The beastie surfaced briefly, 36 years after she was last spotted in Loch Lochy. Eye-witnesses were stunned to see the 12ft-long, three-humped creature rearing out of the water. And guests at the nearby Corriegour Lodge Hotel rushed to get a better view. Hotel boss Lorna Bunney said: "I've never seen anything like this creature before."
So could Nessie have gone on holiday to Loch Lochy? Interesting thought isn’t it?

New Nessie Sighting

Loch Ness Monster sighting for Australian holidaymakers
Written byNicole Webber
NESSIE has made a special appearance for Australian tourists who were enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime holiday.
Peter Jackson (64) and Phillippa Wearne (60) from Sydney were driving alongside Loch Ness when they saw something big and fast moving through the water.
Mrs Wearne, a retired lawyer, said: "I really was just stunned and I thought, 'what is it?'
"It was pretty big even from 150 yards or more offshore. I didn't know what to think. We took photos and showed them to people at a B&B and then showed them to people on a cruise. Skipper for the Loch Ness Project, Ali Matheson, said he had not seen anything like it.
"It seemed to be moving fast but in the direction of the current. We just figured if he's worked on here for years and not seen anything like it, then it must be something."
Mr Jackson, a retired engineer, said: "We were dumbfounded but excited.
"We just thought 'wow, what is it?'
Read rest see photo here :

Saturday 10 June 2017

For those who like monster movies

There was a rash of monster movies in the 1950s in response to the nuclear threat .Personally I love the old monster movies.Read the article and see the pics:

Friday 2 June 2017


Can I just remind people that all comments go through an external moderation process so there will be a delay before they are published. There is no need to send them more than once. If they do not appear after 48 hours it means the moderator deems them unsuitable perhaps because of bad language or personal insults.You may wish to modify the comment and re post it.Thank you .

Thursday 1 June 2017

blind fish rediscovered

'Faceless' fish, last seen in 1873, found off Australia
A "faceless" deep-sea fish not seen for more than a century has been rediscovered by a team of international scientists while they researched the depths of a massive abyss off Australia's east coast.
The mission called "Sampling the Abyss", launched by Museums Victoria, also found species believed to be new to science.
See video here

Once  again  another extinct species reappears .Good  news for those who believe in living dinosaurs and other relic creatures.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Claims that the The Yacumama are real.

Claims that giant anaconda are real- here are extracts from the  article :

The Yacumama are real. They may even be a previously undiscovered species.
 (CHICAGO) - The world is filled with secrets. Many of them it does not give up easily. Empires have risen and empires have fallen in the midst of mysteries-riddles that remained unsolved through the centuries.One such mystery has haunted the darker, steamier regions of the fabled land of the Amazon. The Amazon, that dark, forbidding river sluggishly twisting its way through Brazil and eight other South American countries. It is a river second in size only to the mighty Nile and it's so wide that no bridge passes over it. According to the indigenous peoples other giant snakes inhabit the Amazon's shadowy realm too: the Sachamama and the Minhocão, a snake that some Amazon natives believe can alter the land as they pass through.Despite the herpetologists' belief, the natives were not speaking of big anaconda by different names. They spoke of true monsters-leviathans so huge that the anaconda would be small in comparison. The snakes the natives sometimes spoke of in fear and awe-over village campfires and the safety of their homes—measured 120, sometimes 160 feet long. The heads of these mammoth creatures were said to reach 6 feet wide. They could shoot down prey with explosive jets of water, topple trees in their passage and change the course of minor tributaries.
Over the years, many sightings of Yacumama have included descriptions of the snake as sprouting horns on its head. This peculiar feature, mentioned in so many reports coming from independent observers up and down the Amazon, has led Warner to his hypothesis that the Yacumama could be a prehistoric version of the modern day caecilian. Most of the 50 or so species of caecilian that are cataloged do have a groove running along either side of the head that contains retractable tentacles. To untrained observers, they may appear as horns.According to Mike Warner, "The exact species of this creature is unknown but we believe that the physical characteristics and behavior are that of a snake [or amphibian] with behavior similar to a caecilian." [An amphibian creature similar to a snake.] Most of the witnesses who have sighted a Yacumama did not spend too much time studying the creature-they usually happened upon it by chance and then turned tail and ran for their lives.Warner's research led him to discover that the Yacumama seeks its prey near regions where two rivers merge into one, called a "confluence."
Are the Yacumama real?Yes, they are real. They may even be a previously undiscovered species. They are also, without a doubt, some of the most dangerous and terrifying predators in the animal kingdom.In the links below you will find the first documented photograph of one of the world's largest snakes. Known by the names of Yacumama, Sachamama and the Black Boa by the indigenous Peruvian cultures of the Amazon. The snake in the photograph is estimated to be more than 130 feet long with a head wider than 6 feet across.

Read the full article here:
Aug-16-2010 History Mysteries: The Legendary Yacumama, Mysterious Monster of the Amazon Terrence Aym

Lake Monsters of South America

There appear to be many tales of lake beasties in South America especially in Patagonia.
An American prospector working in the Andean Foot Hills in 1922 came across a trail of large tracks leading into a lake and wrote “I saw in the middle of the lake an animal with a huge neck like a swan, and the movements made me to suppose the beast to have a body like that of a crocodile.” At White Lake, locals talk of a strange creature with a long reptile neck swimming in the darkness of night. And say strange noises can be heard and the sounds of something sliding on the beach in the night.
In 1907, a member of the Boundary Demarcation Commission named Vaag,was was said to have found carcass of a plesiosaur-like animal and some tracks along the River Tamago which borders Chile and Argentina..
The most famous lake monster though is Nahuelito found in lake Nahuel Huapi.
Nahuel Huapi Lake is located at the foot of the Patagonian Mountains in the Nahuel Huapi National Park and has a surface area of approximately 342 miles and is said to be 1350 feet. On the shores of Nahuel Huapi isone of the most popular holiday resorts, Bariloche. Many tourists have reported sightings of an unknown creature in the lake . The earliest known encounters with Nahuelito can be traced back to the Nahuel Huapi Lake’s native population, who for centuries told of gigantic creature living in the lake. The first official reports came from zoologist Clementi Onelli. He wrote that a Chilean farmer in 1897 was in Patagonia and reported hearing the sounds of something heavy being dragged along the pebble beach near White Lake. He also thought Vaag had found the remains of peliosaur.Then an American gold prospector named Martin Sheffield in 1922 , saw "an animal with a huge neck like a swan, and the movements made me suppose the beast to have a body like that of a crocodile."Onelli was convinced this was a genuine sighting and set off on an expedition after waiting for permits but came back empty handed.
One of the more detailed reports of a meeting with Nahuelito was in the Toronto Globe on April 6, 1922, 12 years after the sighting originally occurred in 1910. The article tells the details of a story by a man named George Garrett, a manager of a company based near Nahuel Huapi Lake. The article states that Garrett and some other mean were making their way windward, up a 5 mile long inlet called Pass Coytrue, which was roughly a mile in width and an unknown depth. Just as the men neared the rocky shore of the peninsula which created the inlet, Garret looked astern, and to his surprise about a quarter of a mile to leeward he saw an object which appeared to be 15 to 20 feet in diameter and that came roughly 6 feet out of the water, after a few minutes the object submerged into the lake.
In 1994, two young women, Paula Jacarbe and Jessica Campbell, reported that while sunbathing on the shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake, in an area known as the Peninsula de San Pedro, they had witnessed what they described as a headless whale with a humped back and small fins along its side frolicking in the water. Shortly after the creature submerged back into the lake, Campbell sat down on a rocky outcropping overlooking the lake in order to collect her thoughts and calm her nerves. Approximately 45 minutes after the initial sighting the creature resurfaced and began surging through the water. Fearing for her life she ran away.
Some have wondered if Nahuelito could be the result of nuclear experiments done by German scientists during the Peron regime in the 1950’s, causing a mutation of a known creature,although sightings of the creature began long before this date.
In 2006 A series of photos were produced anonymously. Full story here:
And for more information about this Patagonian nessie:
Another familiar tale ,many lake monster sightings have similarities. Unless Nessie goes on holiday regularly there must be more than one monster about!

Friday 12 May 2017

Theories about the Loch Ness Monster

What is the loch ness monster?
Since the “monster”s first sightings theories have abounded to what it is. I thought I would examine a few in a brief fashion.
1)Plesiosaur- much as I would love Nessie to be a prehistoric creature, the fact the loch only formed about 10000 years ago rather puts the dampers on that idea. However always the open minded I looked at the possibilities. The first one is that as plesiosaurs appeared to be air breathers they would surface a lot more and therefore would be seen more regularly. It is not impossible that a water breathing plesiosaur has evolved (evolution rocks don’t you think!), but unlikely. There are good fish stocks in the Loch including migratory salmon, so I find claims there is not enough fish in the loch not really substantial enough as a reason for there not being a colony of creatures in the Loch. The amount of activity on the Loch would mean someone would have been eaten by now if it was a plesiosaur, either a swimmer or a fisherman would have been washed ashore all chewed. (Sorry if you are eating right now, but you shouldn’t eat over the keyboard anyway) I know from time I have spent at the Loch there are local people who will not venture out on the loch at night so something keeps them home on shore and it’s not the TV. The loch has constant temperature and doesn’t freeze but some say it would be too cold for a plesiosaur. However research in the last few years has shown that many prehistoric creatures continued on in the Antarctic after they had died out elsewhere, including plesiosaurs, and the water would have been a lot colder than they were used to. Still the peaty black waters of the loch would not have been inviting I don’t think, they were used to clear waters .So unless a very shy underwater possibly vegetarian plesiosaur has evolved in the Loch, I find I have to put this theory to one side.
2) Elephant- this was a rather fanciful notion put forward that it was an elephant swimming in the loch. This is where not doing your research properly shows up, how many elephants have been living around Loch Ness since the first reports in the 1500’s. ? Not a lot I imagine and elephants from visiting circuses would not have been around that often. Nice try but poorly thought out and researched by someone who doesn’t know the history of the Loch.
3) Seismic activity- well there is seismic activity that happens in the Loch and shocks from Inverness could travel down the river causing waves in the Loch. However it wouldn’t have a long neck. It would show strange wave formations and maybe blow a bit of debris from the bottom that could be mistaken for an animal. The problem here is the movement would not be animate like an animal swimming, but certainly would be an explanation for some sightings.
4) Psychological/ optical illusion- well yes, if you think you will see something, there is a chance you will. I have seen people in cubicles in a lab subject to atmosphere changes that means they think they see UFO’s and by bouncing sounds waves off the walls, too low for the human ear to hear, they see ghosts. But the Loch is not a lab and not everyone sees something. Again some sightings may be down to the desire to see something or an optical illusion from the reflections of the hills in the loch, but people tend to be not looking for something when they do see Nessie.
5)Media hysteria - There was a BBC programme that put forward the theory that mass or media hysteria after the King Kong film was shown in 1933 caused the rash of sightings .However there was no cinema, no King Kong film and no road present when sightings were recorded from 1527 to 1932.Once again lack of research marred what otherwise was a good programme. Like most people the programme researchers assumed that sightings only started in 1933.
6) Eel- a large sterile eel is a real possibly. It would have to be very large though to cause the sightings. However there would also have to have been a) more than one b) it would have to be long lived. The loop of a large eel would look like the ‘hump’ people say they have seen. It may be there is a colony of very large eels living in the bottom of the loch.
7) Seal- there are seals and otters seen on and around the loch. A line of them swimming could look like a monster‘s coils, but local people see this all the time and are not likely to be fooled by it. It brings us back to the long neck people say they have seen. The only way that could be possible is if it were either a long necked pinniped or a very large long necked otter. Most people will have seen the excellent article, Michael A. Woodley, Darren Naish and Hugh P. Shanahan wrote , in the March 2009 edition of Historical Biology , a groundbreaking paper, “How many extant pinniped species remain to be described?”
8) Hoax- there has been many hoaxes around Loch Ness. Even if every photo and film were a hoax, which I doubt knowing Tim Dinsdale and others who took films and photos, it cannot explain every sighting.
9) Primitive whale – again could be likely, but how did it get there? I always thought the loch was only accessed via the River Ness and therefore would be difficult for anything large to have travelled up it unseen as it would have had to be a pair to set up a breeding colony. Then I found this :
British and U.S. scientists claim they have evidence that the sea extended into Loch Ness at two points in history: after the Ice Age in Europe (125,000 years ago) and 12,800 years ago. A geologist working with a research team in 2001 noticed the clay on the anchor of their boat looked different from other deposits found in the same part of the Loch. Carbon dating and amino-acid testing on the clay indicated that it contained clams and sea urchin spines from both 12,800 and 125,000 years ago. This discovery would tend to lend credence to the theory that large animals could have become trapped in the Loch as the water receded back to the sea. Source: The Press and Journal (North Scotland) .
So it could be likely that some creatures got into the loch and adapted and stayed. After all eels live in both saltwater and fresh water at various times in their lives.

So where does that leave us? Well of the thousands of the sightings reported of something in the loch, only something like a couple of hundred stand up to real scrutiny. That is not to say the others are false or hoaxes but using scientific rigour cuts down the numbers a lot. That still leaves us with some unexplained sightings. I saw something myself in the loch, but what it was, that lump in the water I don’t know. It was too brief and I was too stunned and when I looked again it was gone. I am happy to believe it was an optical illusion, that makes me feel better, but in reality I think something stirs in the bottom of Loch Ness and has done for a long time. Dan Scott Taylor told me something spun his 5000 lb submarine around in the water at the bottom of the loch, that is some optical illusion!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

fossil named 'Chinese baby dragon'

Identity of famous baby dinosaur fossil revealed
By Helen Briggs BBC News
The fossil of a baby dinosaur discovered in China more than 25 years ago has formally been identified as a new species of feathered dinosaur.The hatchling, dubbed Baby Louie, was found within a nest of dinosaur eggs.
Palaeontologists have called it Beibeilong sinensis, which translates to "Chinese baby dragon".They say it is the first known specimen of a gigantic bird-like dinosaur belonging to the group known as oviraptorosaurs.Although the fossil of the infant dinosaur is small, it would have grown into an adult weighing more than 1,000kg.
The discovery of dinosaur eggs in China, South Korea, Mongolia and North America suggests Beibeilong may have been common around 100 million years ago, say the researchers.
''The geographical distribution and abundant occurrences of Macroelongatoolithus egg remains reveal that giant oviraptosaurs were relatively widespread and perhaps even common in the early part of the Late Cretaceous, even though their skeletal remains are scarce and have yet to be identified in many regions,'' they write in Nature Communications.

Read rest, see pics here :

Wednesday 26 April 2017

primitive humans alive more recently than first thought

Primitive human 'lived much more recently'
By Paul RinconScience editor, BBC News website
A primitive type of human, once thought to be up to three million years old, actually lived much more recently, a study suggests.
The remains of 15 partial skeletons belonging to the species Homo naledi were described in 2015.They were found deep in a cave system in South Africa by a team led by Lee Berger from Wits University.
In an interview, he now says the remains are probably just 200,000 to 300,000 years old.
Although its anatomy shares some similarities with modern people, other anatomical features of Homo naledi hark back to humans that lived in much earlier times - some two million years ago or more.
"These look like a primitive form of our own genus - Homo. It looks like it might be connected to early Homo erectus, or Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis," said Prof Berger's colleague, John Hawks, from the University of Wisconsin.
Although some experts guessed that naledi could had lived relatively recently, in 2015, Prof Berger told BBC News that the remains could be up to three million years old.
New dating evidence places the species in a time period where Homo naledi could have overlapped with early examples of our own kind, Homo sapiens.
Prof Hawks told the BBC's Inside Science radio programme: "They're the age of Neanderthals in Europe, they're the age of Denisovans in Asia, they're the age of early modern humans in Africa. They're part of this diversity in the world that's there as our species was originating."

 Read more ,see photos here:
Interesting for those who think Bigfoot is a relic human .Could bigfoot be the result of inter-mating of ancient humans? Just another theory to add to the pot.