Thursday 26 September 2019

Nessie filmed again

Loch Ness 'monster' caught on camera TWICE in two weeks in record breaking year of sightings
The latest clips bring the total number of Nessie sightings so for 2019 to 16.
Nessie has been filmed twice in just over a fortnight - making 2019 already the best for sightings of the legendary beast for 36 years.
Both recent clips show Nessie swimming in Urquhart Bay and were filmed on August 15 and September 2, taking the total so far this year to 16.
Alena Horka, from the Czech Republic, made the 15th 'official' sighting of the creature, filming what she claims is a 30 metre long Nessie swimming fast towards the castle.
Veteran Nessie cam watcher Eoin O'Faodhagain, from Co Donegal, Republic of Ireland, made the 16th sighting 16 days later.
Read rest,see photos here:

Tuesday 17 September 2019

A sea monster in Loch Tay?

Does a sea monster reside in Loch Tay?
Loch Tay is a long and narrow freshwater loch with steep sides, over 14 miles in length and 1 mile wide. which follows the line of the valley from the south west to north east. It is the sixth largest loch in Scotland by area and over 150 metres (490 ft) deep at its deepest.
The rivers Lochay and Dochart run into the head of Loch Tay in the west, while the River Tay itself flows out of the loch in the east. Loch Tay acts like a giant reservoir for the River Tay, rumour has it that a strong west wind blowing down the loch can send an extra foot of water down the river.
A number of small ship wrecks have been located in the loch ranging from the remains of a steamship that was blown up in shallow water in the 1950s to an 11 metre long log boat dating to the Middle Bronze Age around 1500 BC.It is popular with fishermen. A Miss Georgina Ballantine ,the ferryman's daughter, caught the largest salmon ever hooked in Britain on the River Tay in 1922, and her record has never been threatened since. So large fish are found in the area.
In 1958:A sea serpent was reported to have been seen on Saturday night in the Tay. The report was made to Fife police by Mr Ronald Avery, bus driver, 3, Milton Crescent, Anstruther and was confirmed by the conductress Miss Betty Kay, Cellardyke. Yesterday Mr Avery said "The bus was standing at the Newport-on-Tay terminus. We were waiting for the starting time and I was standing on the step of the bus looking over the water. It was misty, but about five minutes to eight I was distinctly, about a mile out from Newport Pier, a strange creature moving in the water. Three humps were visible and although it was difficult to tell their colouring I thought they were dark. They were moving towards the Tay Bridge. They disappeared, and then came to the surface again in exactly the same manner a short distance forward. I drew the attention of Betty Kay and together we watched the creature moving towards the Tay Bridge. We must have seen it disappear and surface eighty or nine times, it made a circle towards some boats near the opposite bank. Then it was time for us to move, but I was so impressed that I reported it to the police. I would say it was a sea snake or serpent, about 15 to 20 feet(6 metres)  in length. I don't think the object I saw was porpoises or seals. I've seen sharks and whales in the Indian Ocean but this was the strangest thing I have ever seen in the water.

Then in 2006  Cody Duncan, accidentally photographed the apparent head and neck of something strange in Loch Tay .  He posted  on his blog: "I was doing some editing and saw this weird looking thing. Object enlarged to 300%. Nothing appears in the photo I took 25 seconds before. Perhaps Nessie has a cousin?"
The photograph, shows a black, periscope-like head and neck. 

There is a history of the Loch Tay kelpie; this supernatural water  horse is said to sometimes appear as a handsome young man.. Each Uisge or kelpie is a shape-shifter who can appear as a fine horse, pony or handsome man. Never try to  ride on its back though. As soon as Each Uisge glimpses or smells the loch its victim will be held fast while it rides to the deepest part of the loch. The rider will be drowned and everything devoured save the liver, which will float to the loch's surface.
So could the Loch Tay monster be supernatural or  does a creature travel up the River Tay into the Loch? It seems strange there has not been more sightings. Dolphins are known to sometimes enter the river and the loch and could appear like a line of humps swimming in formation.Be interesting to see if more sightings are reported.

Friday 13 September 2019

Bigfoot or Escaped Ape running wild in Texas?

Mystery humanoid cat-snatching creature ‘spotted’ running wild and attacking children in Texas
Woman ‘paralysed by fear’ after witnessing what she described as a large monkey during midnight lightning storm.
A mystery creature is haunting the streets of Texas. Described by some terrified witnesses as a monkey, by others as a chimpanzee and as “anything’s possible” by police, a sense of apprehension is spreading.The unidentified humanoid has been repeatedly spotted in the city of Santa Fe, with one witness claiming they saw the beast attempt to snatch a cat.
The alarm was first raised in the early hours of Monday, when a woman named Patricia de la Mora called the police to say she had seen some kind of primate causing pandemonium on the corner of 24th and East Bellaire streets in the south west of the city.She had apparently been woken up after midnight by thunder and lightning, and after urging her husband to look out of the window when she heard “strange noises”, eventually got out of bed herself, opened the curtains and was “paralysed by fear”.“I look out the window and I see it was in there. It was a monkey, a big one,” she told US news outlet KVUE.
Ms de la Mora said she did not have time to get her phone, but stood at her bedroom window stunned by what she saw.“He tried to find something,” she said. “He looked over there, then he looked over there, and I closed the curtain. I didn’t want him to see me.”But when police arrived the creature had vanished, and despite an hour-long search, all trace of the supposed animal had also evaporated.However, the enigmatic agitator soon struck again.The following day, police received a similar report from the same part of town, from a woman who claimed she spent 20 minutes hiding in her car.Local news station KHOU-TV, quoted the woman as saying on Facebook: “Just had a monkey try to attack me, while checking my mail. I’ve spent the last 20 minutes in my car.
Police again launched a futile search for any physical manifestation of the supposed monkey's existence. Greg Boody, a police spokesman, said in a statement: “I’m not saying that there is no monkey, in fact, I’m sure there is one on the loose. Out here, anything is possible.”
Read full article here:

Not the first time bigfoot type creatures seen in Texas:

Seems odd behaviour for an ape but it may be normal for bigfoot. Lets hope they capture it and solve the mystery.

Film of China's Loch Ness Monster?

WATCH: Shocking video of China’s 'Loch Ness monster' swimming in Asia's longest river
SHOCKING video has emerged of a sea creature similar to the Loch Ness Monster swimming through China’s River Yangtze, prompting viewers to speculate if it might be the Scottish mythical creature or another of its kind.
See video here:

Not the first time water monsters have been seen in China.
Top 5 lake monsters in China:

The video could be a large fish .What do you think eel, monster or fish?

Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Slide Rock Bolter ,myth or reality?

Slide-Rock Bolter (Macrostoma saxiperrumptus) is a bizarre creature first written about by William Thomas Cox, the State Forester of Minnesota in his book ‘Fearsome Critters of the Lumberwoods’ (published in1910). He collected  lumberjack tales from all over the U.S.A.
 The Slide-Rock Bolter  is from south west Colorado and  dates back to folklore of the 19th Century. Miners and lumberjacks would often come down from the mountains, with stories of a creature they called  a ‘land whale’ . In general, the Bolter is perceived to be  larger than a blue whale, camouflaged to blend in to its surroundings. Some describe its grey-brown coloured  body as covered  with scraggy, brush-like growths, whilst others say it appears to be a fat, smooth rock. Once  hidden, it is difficult to spot.
It is believed to live in the mountains of Colorado where the slopes have more than a 45 degree angle . It has an immense head, with small eyes, and a mouth that extends  back beyond its ears. It looks somewhat like the shape of a whale.The tail consist of a divided flipper, with enormous grab-hooks, which it fastens over the crest of the mountain or ridge, hanging there motionless waiting for prey. After sighting a human or animal, it will lift its tail, thus loosening its hold on the mountain.It then slides down the mountain at speed, assisted by grease it produces from its mouth, like a toboggan, scooping up its victim on its downward path. The body is  so large that trees in its path are broken and flattened . Its own impetus carries it up the next slope, where it slaps its tail over the ridge and waits for the next victim(s).It can swallow parties of tourists according to legend. Some claim its tail, is similar to a crab’s pincer, others say it is forked with hooks.
A forest range decided to lure a slide-rock bolter to its own destruction. A dummy was dressed up with plaid jacket, knee breeches, and a guide book to Colorado. It was then filled full of gunpowder and fulminate caps and posted in a conspicuous place.The next day  a bolter took the bait. The explosion flattened half the buildings in Rico and the surrounding hills Flocks of buzzards feasted on the corpse the whole summer.
Some believe that the lack of recent sightings of the slide rock bolter  suggests that it is currently lying dormant high in the mountains but  whenever hikers go missing in the area, rumours spread that the Bolter is responsible.Others claim  recent tourists have seen large swathes of crushed foliage consistent with the downward trajectory of the monster.Did  lumberjacks and miners  invent the Slide-Rock Bolter in response to the visible evidence of environmental damage left by the industries?
Unless some evidence such as remains of a Bolter or photos of one  comes to light, it will remain a myth,a campfire story.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Nessie is a giant eel!

Loch Ness Monster: Nessie likely to be an eel, say scientists
The creatures behind repeated sightings of the fabled Loch Ness Monster may be giant eels, according to scientists.
Researchers from New Zealand have tried to catalogue all living species in the loch by extracting DNA from water samples.Following analysis, the scientists have ruled out the presence of large animals said to be behind reports of a monster.No evidence of a prehistoric marine reptile called a plesiosaur or a large fish such as a sturgeon were found.Catfish and suggestions that a wandering Greenland shark were behind the sightings were also discounted.
The aim of the research was not to find Nessie, but to improve knowledge of what plants and animals live in Loch Ness.Prof Neil Gemmell, a geneticist from New Zealand's University of Otago. said: "People love a mystery, we've used science to add another chapter to Loch Ness' mystique."We can't find any evidence of a creature that's remotely related to that in our environmental-DNA sequence data. So, sorry, I don't think the plesiosaur idea holds up based on the data that we have obtained."
He added: "So there's no shark DNA in Loch Ness based on our sampling. There is also no catfish DNA in Loch Ness based on our sampling. We can't find any evidence of sturgeon either,"There is a very significant amount of eel DNA. Eels are very plentiful in Loch Ness, with eel DNA found at pretty much every location sampled - there are a lot of them. So - are they giant eels?
"Well, our data doesn't reveal their size, but the sheer quantity of the material says that we can't discount the possibility that there may be giant eels in Loch Ness. Therefore we can't discount the possibility that what people see and believe is the Loch Ness Monster might be a giant eel."
Steve Feltham, who is recognised by the Guinness Book of Records for the longest continuous monster hunting vigil of Loch Ness, is not convinced the scientists have yet identified the creature behind the sightings.Mr Feltham, who made childhood visits to the Highlands and moved from Dorset almost 30 years ago to look for Nessie, said he had seen seals in Loch Ness.He added: "A 12-year-old boy could tell you there are eels in Loch Ness. I caught eels in the loch when I was a 12-year-old boy."
Read rest here:

Many of us have long said that giant eels were responsible for the sightings. It could be of course there are giant eels and something else in the Loch…we may yet find out.