Friday 3 June 2011

Rock stars hunt Nessie?

RockNess: Kasabian plan to hire submarine to search for the Loch Ness monster
Jun 3 2011 John Dingwall
ROCKNESS headliners Kasabian are planning to hire a submarine to help in their search for Nessie as they headline the Scots festival next week.The million-selling Leicester fivepiece - Serge, Tom Meighan, Chris Edwards, Ian Matthews and Jay Mehler - are convinced the Loch Ness monster exists and plan to head out on the water with special sonar equipment and underwater cameras.Guitarist and songwriter Serge Pizzorno, who will lead the band onto the RockNess main stage in seven days' time, said: "The mythology of Loch Ness is incredible. I'm a believer."There's definitely monsters out there and all sorts of things going on. I am going to get a submarine. We'll get all sorts of apparatus and instruments to see if we can finally get a decent picture of the monster. We're going to summon it."The rocker, relaxing at his home in Leicester, added: "Maybe on our song L.S.F. Nessie will join in. Everyone seems to come in to sing along to that track. If Nessie joined in at the end of L.S.F. it would be fantastic."

Unfortunately they seem to think Jimmy Page still lives at Boleskin house but he sold in about 18 years ago .So I do wonder if this is just a publicity stunt.

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