Monday 26 November 2012

Bigfoot the apple stealer?

What are the odds? Sasquatch researcher says Bigfoot ravaged apple orchard in his backyard – and he has video to prove it
Skeptical authorities say ‘Bigfoot’ is more likely just an owl.
By Christine Roberts / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Frank Siecienski claims the video pictured above shows Bigfoot and its young scaring away a coyote.
A Vermont man insists he spotted Bigfoot in his backyard – and he says he’s got video to prove it.
Frank Siecienski of Hubbarton first thought that it was only a deer ravaging the apple orchard that stands on his property last year.“I pointed it out to my wife and she says 'oh God,' the deer must have been hungry,” he told WCAX-TV this April. “And I said no, a deer couldn't have eaten that many apples in one night.”So the self-described Sasquatch researcher set up a camera to keep watch of what was going on outside.The footage, he claims, shows Bigfoot and its young scaring away a coyote."They're very mysterious animals and they're a night creature and they are very intelligent,” Siecienski told ABC 22. “I just hope he comes back.”

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