Monday 18 July 2011

Minted monsters

Mythical Quebec monster on Canadian coin
CBC News
A mythical monster said to live in Lake Memphremagog, Quebec, has eluded positive identification but there's a chance its image might end up in your pocket soon.Memphre, as the creature is affectionately known, is set to appear on a new series of Canadian twenty-five cent coins.The quarters aren't widely available yet but some people in the Eastern Townships are already looking forward to collecting them.Terry Winslow, owner of the Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre in Lennoxville, is one of them."I'm not a coin collector but I'm interested in all kinds of animals, but particularly these types of creatures that might live in our lakes, and things that are unknown, undiscovered animals," he said.
Royal Canadian Mint officials said the Memphre collector coin is a bit larger than the Toonie.It's part of a series of coins about mythical Canadian creatures including a sasquash coin and another aquatic creature known as Mishupishu, from Algonquin legend.

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